“Considering the number of pierced penises I’ve seen at the clubhouse, I think Z made a wise choice,” I say.

He rolls his eyes. “Your fascination with that is still disturbing to me.” He playfully cups his hand over his crotch in a protective gesture. “I told you, no needles are going near my dick.”

“I was kidding.”

“I know, firecracker.” He rests his hand over mine. “You like it up there, right? Would you be comfortable if we had our own home on the property?”

Is he really asking to build us a house? That’s a…huge commitment. So much more than moving in together.

“You’ve thought about building a house for us?” I ask.

“Yes. For a while now. I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about it, though.” He flicks his gaze toward the ceiling. “Even in our own place, everyone will still be up in our business. It’s only a few bricks short of a damn hippie commune up there.”

Laughter rushes out of me. Such a typical Dex comment. “You’re zealous about guarding your…well, our privacy.”

“Have to be.”

“Who else has a house up there?”

“Wrath and Trinity built a gorgeous luxury log cabin. Murphy built something similar but with more bedrooms for the baseball team of kids he wants to have. Rock and Hope’s place, and Z’s place.” He stops as if he’s worried he left someone out. “You’re familiar with Grinder’s place. You’ve been to Teller’s house. It’s snuggled up pretty close to the club’s property. He renovated that place for Charlotte. Rooster and Shelby’s place is sort of between the upstate and downstate clubs. Jigsaw’s their basement dweller.”

“Downstate doesn’t have their own hippie commune?” I tease.

“No,” he answers seriously. “They were never as family-oriented as we are.”

“Aww.” Something about that melts my heart and sends guilt shimmering over me for ever having reservations about his club.

“We can look for something else, if you’d rather not build,” Dex offers. “Or even live like nomads for a while after you sell this place.” He shrugs. “It’s nice to have a home base, though. Be nice to have a place for Libby to come home to on her breaks.”

He’s already given this a lot of thought.

“You’ve thought of all of that?” I ask.

“Yeah, Emily,” he answers softly. “I’ve considered a lot of options. But you and your happiness are the main focus in all of them.”

“What about you? I want you to be happy wherever we end up.”

“You make me happy.” He glances around my living room. “I don’t need a lot. But I do need you.”


How about that?

I’ve been thinking of a way to bring this up with Emily for months. And she beat me to it. Feels good knowing we’re finally on the same page.

“I have to admit, a little thrill shot through me when you said ‘go nomad’ for a while.” Emily bites her lip and glances away as if she said something shameful. “But I like the idea of having a home base as you put it, too.”

She’s the perfect woman for me.

I might be skipping a step or two.

I need to marry her.

Patch her.

“I have to put half the money from the sale of the house into a trust for Libby,” Emily continues, pulling me away from the monumental decision that just landed on me. “But I can help with the build or—”

“No.” I cut her offer short. “That’s your money. Your inheritance from your aunt.”

“Dex, I want to build a life with you.” Her lips curve into an amused smile. “Literally.”

I lean in and kiss her. “We will.”



I drop my keys and a stack of mail on the entryway table.

“Emily?” I call out.

I peel off my vest, hanging it on a hook in the closet, then go searching for my girl.

“Bus is rolling out this afternoon!” I clap my hands as I march up the stairs. “Let’s go! Let’s go!”

In her—now our—bedroom, I find her in bed curled up on her side same as I’d left her about half an hour ago.

As quietly as possible, I strip down and slide into bed, snuggling right up against her back.

“Mmm.” She sighs but doesn’t move.

I rest my hand on her hip and tease my fingers along the thin strip of her underwear. My cock’s already rock hard and aching for her. I bury my face against her neck, listening to her breathing.

She murmurs in her sleep and clutches her pillow tighter. I trail my fingers over her thigh and press two fingers against her center, slowly rubbing up and down, then circling her clit through the material.

“Oh.” Emily lets out a soft moan and leans back against me.

“That’s my good girl,” I whisper against her neck. “I wanted to wake you up with my cock in your sweet pussy.” I kiss her shoulder and slide my fingers under her panties. “Would you like that?”