“I will,” Libby promises.

Serena sits Libby down in front of the long, glossy white table and backlit mirror Dex helped me install in her room a few weeks ago. I roll a small, gray leather stool over for Serena to use.

“Are we going all-out glam for your eyes?” Serena asks.

Libby nods vigorously. She’s been collecting ideas and photos from Instagram and sending them to Serena daily.

Serena finishes setting up her tripods, cameras, and lights so she can film this “getting ready for prom” tutorial. She’s careful to keep Shelby, baby Lincoln, and me out of the shot. We’re sitting on Libby’s bed, close enough to watch and comment but not be in the way.

Satisfied with her camera placement, Serena perches on the stool and studies Libby’s face under the bright light.

“God, you’re lucky,” she mutters. “Your skin’s so flawless, I don’t want to use a lot of foundation or heavy face products on you. But if we leave you completely bare it might detract from the eye look. So we’ll do minimal coverage on your face.” She taps the end of Libby’s nose. “Your freckles are too cute to cover up.”

Libby grins at her.

“Sure, if I did that, she’d bite my finger,” I whisper to Shelby.

Shelby chuckles and bumps me with her shoulder. “It’s hard being big sis.”

Serena gestures to her trunk-sized makeup case on wheels. “What did we finally decide to go with?”

Libby slides her phone across the table and flicks the screen to the photos she wants. “Something like this. Ethereal and fairy-like,” Libby describes. Her forehead wrinkles. “But not like a kid who got her face painted at the county fair.”

“No, we definitely don’t want that.” Serena seems more amused than offended. “The lashes will keep it grown-up.” Serena glances at me. “I have your permission to go all out, right? Falsies, the works?”

A brief scowl flashes over Libby’s face as if she shouldn’t need my permission for anything.

“Yup,” I answer. “What else is prom for? Besides, I’ve never seen you do a makeup look that wasn’t beautiful.”

Serena takes a few photos of Libby for “before” pictures, then sets out everything she’s going to need. When she’s finished, she starts recording.

I stand and quietly take a few photos of my own. My baby sister isn’t a baby anymore.

If I start crying, Libby’s going to roll her eyes and tell me to get lost. So, I bite my lip and smile wide. I don’t want to do anything to steal her joy tonight. I can sob about all we’ve lost later.


I show up at Emily’s house earlier than she’d asked me to. Grinder mentioned Serena brought Lincoln with her and I’d like to say hello to my godson.

If I also happen to strike a little fear into the heart of Libby’s prom date, that’s just an added bonus.

Emily opens the door holding Lincoln in her arms. She beams at me. “How’d I know you’d be here early?”

I lean down and kiss her cheek, then tickle my fingers over Lincoln’s belly. “How’s he liking all the commotion?”

“Fine until maybe fifteen minutes ago. I swear he made a ‘bitch, please’ face at me.”

Chuckling, I hold out my arms and she passes him to me. “Too much girly stuff, little man?”

He gurgle-laughs at me.

“Come here.” I pull Emily closer with my free arm and kiss her again. “Looking forward to a night in with you.”

“Me too.” She’s smiling as she says it, but her eyes seem sad or troubled.

“Everything okay?”

She nods quickly. “Come in. Do you want something to drink? The other kids are supposed to be here soon.”

“I’m good.”

Footsteps tap down the steps and Shelby pops into the living room. “Hi, Dex.” She turns to Emily. “Little miss wants to make a grand entrance when her date gets here. But Miss Sparkles and I gotta get on the road.”

Emily chuckles. “I figured.” She hugs Shelby. “Thank you so much for coming. You really made her day.”

“Shoot, I didn’t do a dang thing except bring some glittery bobby pins along. Felt about as useful as a glass hammer. But I sure do love watching Serena create magic.”

Grinder mentioned Serena was traveling with a lot of gear. “Does Serena need help carrying stuff out to her car?” I ask.

“Probably.” Emily takes Lincoln from me again.

“We got his baby gear down here,” Shelby says, pointing to a bunch of bags and Lincoln’s carrier. “But the big one’s her train case upstairs.”

“I’ve got it,” Serena calls down.

I hurry over to the stairs and find her at the top with a suitcase almost as big as Shelby by her side. “Don’t you dare lug that thing down here by yourself,” I warn.

“Thanks, Dex.”

She squeezes my arm as she passes me, and I jog up to retrieve the case.

The girls chatter and fuss all the way out to the car. It takes a few trips, but we get Serena packed and ready to head home.