Wrath snorts. “Most of Washington got the fuck outta there fast.”

“Can you blame them?” Z asks.

“The second-hand embarrassment was real.” Stash whistles. “I wasn’t even at the table with all of you and I was uncomfortable.”

“The energy in the room was suffocating,” Sparky adds.

“It wasn’t fun at our end of the table,” Rock says. “Felt bad for Priest. He never saw that coming.”

“But maybe he should have,” Z says. “You think he’s too out of touch?”

“Except for the documentary thing, I agree with the direction he wants to take the club,” Murphy says. “Form alliances with other clubs so we’re not fighting battles on two fronts. Fighting each other and fighting law enforcement.”

“Agreed,” I say. “Clubs gotta be smarter about retaliation when it needs to happen, too. Running around flinging bullets where innocents get hurt, is just wrong. It’s also stupid. Draws too much attention to every club.”

“Yeah, and gets your memorial service canceled,” Jigsaw says. “Lost Kings weren’t even involved in any of that bullshit, and they messed with us.”

“Anyone think Priest should’ve fought harder? Or found another venue?” Ravage asks.

“On such short notice?” Wrath cocks his head and actually seems to be seriously considering the question instead of searching for something sarcastic. “I don’t think so. He tried to make the best out of a shitty situation.”

“Anyone think Priest will come down on Washington now?” Grinder asks. “Or will he let them twist in the wind if they need anything from now on?”

“I have a feeling they’re going to get a visit from Priest’s hit squad,” Rooster pulls a sarcastic face, “oops, I mean Priest’s ‘Nomads.’ They’ll be rolling in to shut that charter down any day now.”

Wrath glances at Rock. “You think a different national prez could bring them back in line?”

Rock glares in return. “I’d rather not speculate.”

“Here’s how I see it.” Z sits forward, resting his elbows on the table like he’s settling in for a long lecture.

“Don’t,” Rock warns.

Naturally, Z continues anyway. “You’re in the best position to take over as national president.”

Rock’s eyes narrow. “And why’s that?”

“Get mad all you want, Prez, it’s true,” Wrath says, picking up Z’s thread. “You have the most seniority of any other prez and you’re the only one with a fucking brain and common sense in your head.”

“Pony’s got more years on me,” Rock points out.

“Yeah, but he’s dumb as fuck,” Z says.

“True story,” Rooster mutters.

“It’s not about years in the club, Rock,” Grinder says.

Rock’s jaw clenches. “I mean, I don’t think Pony would fall in line. He’s the kind who thinks more years in the club means he should be president.”

“If Rock’s president, that means National moves to NY,” Teller says. “Washington definitely won’t like that.”

Rock shoots a glare at his son, then at Z. “What about you?”

“I haven’t been prez long enough to take over National.” Z stares at his hands for a few seconds. “But I think we’ll consolidate the two NY charters. I can take over here and leave you to the high level national stuff.”

No one makes a sound. Not even to breathe.

Z’s obviously given this a lot of thought. Wouldn’t be surprised if this idea took shape in his head right around the time Priest moved him downstate.

“And then what?” Rock finally asks. “We end up with two of every position?”

Z’s already shaking his head. “No.”

Rock might be willfully ignoring the big picture but I see exactly how this could play out. And I like it. A lot.

“Prez chooses his SAA.” Z points at Wrath. “So, Wrath ascends to National.”

Wrath shoots a glare at Z. “Ascend? This ain’t the fucking rapture, bro.”

“It kinda is.” Teller snickers behind his hand.

“Grinder stays with me,” Z continues, ignoring both of them.

Grinder and Wrath exchange what-the-fuck faces at each other.

“There’s no one better to be national treasurer,” Z says, pointing at Teller. Then, maybe realizing he just insulted his own treasurer, he turns toward Hustler.

Hustler holds his hands in the air. “I’m in agreement on that one. I was hoping Teller would take over all of NY and I’d step down. I’d focus on running some of the day-to-day operations of our businesses.”

Teller frowns and shakes his head. “I’d have to be voted in and I don’t think enough brothers outside NY know me well enough.”

“Upstate’s the only charter who never gets disciplined for owing dues to National. That alone speaks well for you,” Wrath says. He glances down the table at Z and Hustler. “Nothing against you, Z. But a few years ago, Sway caught hell from Priest—”

Z holds up his hands. “Don’t have to explain. I was sitting right there.”

“Ice isn’t a bad choice,” Rock says. “And Virginia’s more accessible to our other charters.”

“True,” Rooster agrees. “And I think a lot of brothers would be okay with Ice. But he’s younger than you and doesn’t have as much time in as prez.”