“Whatcha been doing?” Jiggy asks with an annoying grin. He grabs his phone. “Rooster told me to hurry up and get my ass here because you were ready to give some guy a beatdown.”

I roll my eyes. “Rooster should mind his business.”

“I don’t know. You and Emily looked pretty intense. Someone try to rub up on your girl?”

“We’re always intense.” I jerk my head to the side. “Let’s go get some food. If you’re gonna be busting my balls, at least let me eat a burger while you’re doing it.”

We start walking in the same direction the girls just went.

“So you’re finally bringing your sister around to meet us?” I ask to change the subject.

Jigsaw’s steps slow. “Yes, she ‘wants to meet people’ in this ‘godforsaken area’ and I thought this would be better than having her at the clubhouse.” He stops and glares straight ahead. “That might’ve been a miscalculation.”

I follow his line of sight. Jezzie’s standing in front of the bleachers talking to Remy and Griff. Emily went ahead and is already at a table with Shelby and Libby.

“I don’t think you have anything to worry about with Griff.” He’s interested in Remy’s little sister, not yours.

“Hmph,” he grumbles without taking his eyes off the trio.

“She’s pretty,” I say.

His body tenses. Dumbass. Like I’d ever make a crude comment about his sister.

“Yup. Pretty girl.” I clamp my hand over the scary face he’s making to get his attention. “Looks just like you.”

He snorts and slaps my hand away. “No one’s called me pretty in a long time.”

“I meant,” I say with exaggerated patience, hoping to fuck he doesn’t think I was trying to make a joke about his scars, “I see the family resemblance.”

I’ve always had the impression—and Rooster’s more or less confirmed—that Jiggy grew up in some sort of strict religious cult. Part of the brotherhood means being there to support each other no matter what. But it also means, don’t ask your brother for answers he doesn’t want to give.

“Our family. They’re not…good people,” Jigsaw says. “Jezzie’s better off far, far away from all of ’em.”

“Sounds like you are too,” I point out.

His lips twist into a sinister smirk. “More like, they’re safer without me around.”

“That makes sense.”

His gaze narrows and his eyes go stone-cold. “This motherfucker.” He pushes past me and storms over the blacktop.

“For fuck’s sake.” I turn. My gaze lands on Jezzie still talking to Griff and Remy. Only she looks a hell of a lot cozier with Remy now, leaning into him, batting her eyelashes. And Remy’s eating it up. Griff barely seems to be paying attention.

“Fuck.” I throw a quick glance around but Rooster’s at the grill with Murphy. I take off after Jigsaw.

“No. No. Nope.” Jigsaw inserts a stiff arm between Remy and his sister. “Not happening.”

Griff backs the hell away from Jigsaw but stays close to Remy. I stop right next to Jigsaw, prepared to pull him off Remy if necessary.

Remy drops his gaze to the biker barrier now standing between him and his new potential conquest. “The fuck?”

“Jensen, stop,” Jezzie protests, planting her palms against her brother’s chest and attempting to push him out of the way. He doesn’t even budge. I stifle my laugh with a cough into my elbow.

Jigsaw issues a clipped warning, “Stay. Away. From. My. Little. Sister.”

Griff bursts into laughter.

I shoot a glare at him. “I wouldn’t if I were you,” I warn in a low voice.

He chokes off the laughter and clears his throat.

“She’s your sister?” Remy asks, slowly putting the pieces together. His gaze slides to Jezzie and back to Jigsaw, whose hand is drifting perilously close to the long hunting knife at his side.

“So, this is awkward as fuck.” Griff jerks his thumb over his shoulder. “I’m gonna go be literally anywhere else.”

“Thanks a lot, bro,” Remy calls after him. “You’re a big help!”

“You better settle the fuck down,” Jigsaw growls.

“All right.” I rest my hand on Jigsaw’s shoulder, lightly squeezing. “Remy was being polite to a guest. That’s all, right?” I aim my stare at Remy.

“I’ve seen his version of polite,” Jigsaw says without turning my way. “Not this time. Not this girl.”

“Fuckmuppet,” Jezzie huffs, throwing her hands in the air. “Let me go find a club so you all can beat each other over the heads.” She turns and stalks away.

Smart choice, Jezzie.

“Jiggy, I didn’t know she was your sister,” Remy says, finally infusing some apology into his tone. “She was with Emily, so I figured she was with Lost Kings. I was trying to be polite. Like Dex said. That’s all.”

Jigsaw finally blows out a breath.

“Trust me, I get it,” Remy adds. “Off-limits. Message received.”

Ah, fuck, his apology’s starting to creep into cocky asshole territory.

I jerk my head to the side, indicating Remy can leave now.

When he’s gone, I poke Jigsaw’s chest. “The fuck, bro?”