“Oh my God.” I burst out laughing. “You’re insane. What am I going to do with you?”

He curls his arms around my waist and slides his hands to my ass, squeezing. “Accept that I’m a possessive fucker. Who loves you.”

“I talked to Murphy before, and you didn’t get worked up about that.”

“He’s a brother. I trust him.”

“Talked to Griff too and you didn’t mind. He’s not a brother.”

His lips tilt. “Nah, you’re not into younger guys.”

I snort. “Yeah, I like them older and ornery.”

More seriously he says, “I trust Griff. He’s almost a brother.”

“Ahh, got it.” I squint up at him. “You realize I work with men. And encounter them every day, right? You going to get all growly over everyone?”

He cocks his head. “You two looked friendly.”

“Duh, because we were friends. In high school And when I say friend, I mean it in its original context. He’s not a former bang buddy.” I shrug as he flinches. “He was nice to me back then. If he saw Libby and me walking home after school, he’d stop and give us a ride home.”

“All right. All right.” He pulls me in closer. “I got it.”

“Dex.” I lean up on my tiptoes. “I love you. You’re the only man I see. Everyone one else might as well be a stick figure.”

He lets out a low, rough chuckle. “Stick figure, huh?”

I shrug. “You work in a strip club, for fuck’s sake. Looking at naked Barbie dolls all night. And you’re giving me a hard time over talking to an old friend. I can’t believe you.”

A shadow of doubt creeps over his expression. “That’s business.”

“Do you think I enjoy sitting home at night thinking about you around them all night long?” My stomach rolls. “I don’t go there and threaten those girls.”

“I didn’t threaten him.”

“Nah, just aimed your scary scowl at him.”

He grins.

I poke him in the chest. “Don’t try to act all smug and cute.”

“Cute?” he says with teasing outrage in his voice. “Cute?”

Behind us, someone lets out a wolf whistle.

Dex groans and glances toward the parking lot. Jigsaw’s walking toward us with a short woman. Long streaks of red, orange, purple, and bright pink seem to be woven into her long dark hair.

Dex leans down and kisses my forehead. “Sorry,” he says softly.

I doubt he apologizes to many people. I squeeze his hand. “Don’t do that to me again,” I warn. “I’d never be unfaithful to you.”

He frowns. “I wasn’t worried about you, Emily. I was worried about him. If I’d realized he was Eraser’s cousin right away, I might not have been that worried about it.”

“Bullshit,” I snort.

“I’m serious. I didn’t want some guy hitting on you when we were supposed to be having a fun day.”

I lift my chin. “Well, I can protect myself.”

That slow, arrogant smile tilts his lips again. “Yeah, but I can protect you better.”

“Insufferable,” I grumble.

The amusement in his expression fades. He stares at me for a few beats. “Are you really bothered that I work at Crystal Ball?”

“It doesn’t thrill me.”

He nods but doesn’t have a chance to respond.

“Hey, happy campers,” Jigsaw greets us. “What’d my boy do now, Emily?”

“Boy,” I scoff, smiling up at Jigsaw. I could use some of his quirky commentary right now. “Isn’t he older than you?”

“So he says.” Jigsaw rests his hand on his companion’s back and gently pushes her forward. “This is my sister Jezzie. Jezzie, this is my brother Dex and his girl, Emily.”

“Oh, hi.” My body jerks forward like I’m going to hug her, but I stop myself. What if she’s not a hugger? “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Hi.” She dips her chin in a way that reminds me of her brother, then shifts her gaze to Dex. “Club brother,” she clarifies.

Jigsaw nudges her and she rolls her eyes.

“My brother promised me food and race cars.” Jezzie lets out a dramatic sigh. “Yet, I see neither.”

Laughing, I motion for her to follow me. “Food I can help you with. It’s around the corner.”

“Thanks, Em,” Jigsaw says.

I glance at Dex. “I’ll talk to you later.”


Man, that was close. Can’t remember the last time jealousy shot through me like a lightning bolt. And damn, if I don’t love the way Emily so calmly called me out and didn’t back down.

Away from my brothers.

The last thing any biker needs is his woman challenging him in front of the club.

The way she pointed out the minuses of my job…well, that had been a bucket of ice-cold reality over my head. I’ve been living in a fantasy land if I really thought she was okay with that. If the roles were reversed, I…can’t even think about it or my head will explode.

As I watch Emily so sweetly whisk Jiggy’s prickly sister away, a bit of remorse pokes at me for acting like a dick.