“I’d rather not dwell on it.”

“I should’ve asked Margot how long a body can sit on ice before you have to bury it.”

“Gee, why don’t you go back and do that?” I ask, losing patience with this conversation. “Just try to keep your big boots out of your mouth.”

Rav wanders by the open war room door, stops, and pokes his head in. “You talking about the trip?”

“Yup.” I’ll probably regret it, but I wave for him to come in and join us. “We’re thinking of taking this route.”

“Wait.” Jigsaw slaps my shoulder. “Have you looked at the forecast?”

“We’re going to a biker funeral,” Ravage interrupts. “Between their strip club and the bunnies at their clubhouse, there will be so many hotties around, the forecast will be titties bouncing with a high chance of dick-sucking.”

Even Jigsaw groans in disgust.

“Can you not?” I say to Ravage.

“Bro, come on. You’ve been with Emily for like a minute,” Rav insists. “Shouldn’t you sample more dishes on the pussy buffet to make sure you’re making the right forever choice? If you’re planning to lock your goods down for life—”

“Worry about your own goods,” I growl.

“Fine. Whatever.” He pauses long enough for me to think he’s finished, then opens his mouth again. “I mean, we might be gone awhile. What if you come back so pent up, when you finally shoot your load, you end up blowing her head off or something? Weird shit can happen.”

I blink and stare.

“And I thought I had the worst sex education growing up,” Jigsaw mutters. “You just skipped right over that shit, huh?”

I shake off Rav’s disturbing visual. “Besides the fact that isn’t even possible. You’ve heard of jerking off, right?” I pump my fist in the air a few times to demonstrate.

Rav’s eyes widen like a startled owl.

“He’s afraid to buff his own banana,” Jigsaw says.

“Fine, fine.” Ravage holds his hands up in surrender. I sense he’s not finished, though. “But don’t be surprised if someone calls the hotline and genital protection services comes knocking at your door.”

“If only you had better ways to channel all those clever quips,” I sigh.

“I am clever, right?”

“No.” Jigsaw points at Ravage’s head. “Whatever the opposite of clever is, that’s you.”

“You’re gonna disappoint so many fine southern ladies,” Ravage pouts, then brightens. “Wait, why am I complaining?”

“Good question,” I grumble.

As if I hadn’t spoken, he continues. “More pussy for me. Instead of a threesome, I’m gonna go for a quadsome…foursome? You see, that way everyone can be occupied at once and no one feels left out.” He holds his arms out with his fingers pointed up, tips his head back, and sticks his tongue out—to demonstrate what, I don’t even want to contemplate.

“You done spinning fairytales, Hans Christian Fuckerson?” I ask.

Jiggy chokes then laughs. “It’s true. We all know finding one chick to fuck your homely ass is enough of a challenge, no way you’re finding three.”

“Ain’t no fairy tale, bro.” Rav crosses his arms over his chest.

“All right, I’ve had it with the sexual geometry lessons from Commodore Chlamydia.” I lift my chin at Jiggy. “Let’s finish this tomorrow.”

Ravage scratches his crotch. “One time, you asshole. One time.”

Jiggy busts out laughing, his slightly unhinged cackles filling the room. “Shit, I’m looking forward to being on the road with you guys again.”

“Same,” I agree. I flick my gaze toward Rav. “Even you.”

“You bummed Emily isn’t coming?” Jigsaw asks me.

Surprised he cares one way or another, I nod. “It would be too complicated, anyway. She wouldn’t leave her sister alone for that long and I don’t know if she’d be able to get the time off from work.”

“That’s why we avoid all that citizen nine to five bullshit,” Ravage shouts.

“Yeah, well, not everyone can do that.”

Jiggy tilts his head. “You gonna be able to work Shelby’s security detail this summer?”

Fuck. I’d love having Emily on the road with us for the summer concert season. Maybe Libby too. She’d probably keel over if she got to watch Shelby live every night.

“Not sure yet,” I answer.

“I don’t know how you do that,” Rav says. “I like having no one to answer to but myself.”

“And the club,” I remind him.

“That, I don’t mind,” Rav says. “As long as we get to ride the wind whenever we want.”

“Amen, brother.” I hold out my fist and the three of us tap knuckles.

The open road has always been my sanctuary. It will also strengthen the unbreakable bond of our brotherhood.

But as much as I’m looking forward to the ride, this time I can’t stop feeling like I’ll be leaving a significant piece of me behind.



As much as I’m going to miss Emily, I’m eager to get on the road. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can get home.

Club runs can be a lot of fun. Not this time. The mood in our group’s somber as we meet up with Z’s crew at our downstate clubhouse. Rock said it before, heading to the funeral of a fallen brother has a way of reminding all of us that no one lives forever.