Fury meets my gaze. “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

I bite my bottom lip. “Do you have any idea why she left?”

Fury shrugs. “Not a fuckin’ clue. Somethin’ changed in her. She went from bubbly and happy to bein’ withdrawn and depressed. Didn’t help that Colt had lost his sister, so he wasn’t much support.”

“Colt lost his sister?”

Fury nods. “Yeah. Bad accident. Was hard on him. Don’t know if that’s the reason Chloe left, because she was strugglin’ and he couldn’t help her. They fought a lot in the end. Both of them changed.”

That’s interesting.

I do recall a change in Chloe when she returned. She told me that her and Colt just didn’t work out, and I assumed it was a broken heart, but she never really smiled again. Not really. Not like she used to. It was as if something was missing in her. Of course, I was young and busy living my life, but I look back and wish I had paid more attention, asked more questions, tried to get to the bottom of it.

“It’s weird she just left the house.”

Fury nods, passing me the joint again. “Yeah, makes no sense. Colt thinks she cheated on him and ran off with another man and that leaving the house was her way of sayin’ sorry.”

I shake my head. “No way. Chloe wasn’t a cheater. When she came back ... she was heartbroken. I never saw her with another man.”

Fury tips his head to the side. “You tell Colt that?”

“Colt hates me.”

Fury chuckles. “Colt hates everyone. Don’t take it personally.”

I laugh. “Good to know.”

Bonnie sits down beside me, and I turn in her direction, smiling.

“How did you enjoy the shower?”

“Best shower I’ve had in weeks.”

“I was talking to Western, and he agreed we would come and help you fix up the bathroom first. A girl needs a decent shower.”

I’m humbled.

These people are being so nice to me, and they really have no reason to be.

They’re just good.

“You have no idea how much that means to me.”

Bonnie flashes her winning smile and throws an arm around my shoulder. “We biker babes must stick together.”

I snort. “I’m no biker babe.”

She winks at me. “We’ll see.”

Oh boy.

As the night rolls on, I enjoy a few drinks and a couple more puffs of the joint. The exhaustion creeps up with every passing hour, and I’m actually looking forward to sleeping in my bed, even if I am utterly terrified. I think I’m so tired I won’t even notice. I’m certain that I’ll pass out and pay no attention to what creatures of the night venture in.

“You’re a new face.”

Turning, I see a man approaching. He’s tall with sandy blond hair, possibly blue or green eyes, and he’s very athletic in build. He’s handsome, in a kind of creepy way. I’m not entirely sure what it is about his features, but he has that pretty serial killer kind of look. It’s not fair to judge though, so I put on a smile and tip my head to the side. “I guess I am, yeah.”

“I saw you in town a few weeks ago, small places like this you learn who is new and who isn’t. What brings you to these parts?”

His voice is friendly, and he is offering a warm smile that puts me at ease.

I was quick to assume, and that probably wasn’t very nice.

“I’m fixing up my aunt’s old house, just next door actually.”

He raises his brows. “That sounds like a hectic job.”

I nod. “You have no idea. It was so run down it’s taking longer than I’d like, but I’m enjoying being in town even though I haven’t actually seen much outside of this club and the house.”

He chuckles. “Well, it sounds like you need to go on a tour. I’m Anthony, by the way.”

He extends a hand. I take it with a smile.


“That’s a pretty name. Well, Myla, would it be too forward of me to offer to take you on a sightseeing tour when you have a spare minute?”

I study Anthony, really taking him in. He’s not my type; I definitely go more for the rugged bad boy. After my last boyfriend, I don’t want to go down the clean, well-spoken, good boy road, but I can’t deny that I’m in desperate need of some male company, and it would be nice to get away from the house for a while and actually see the place Chloe loved so much. Of course, when I used to visit her, she would take me places, but I never paid a great deal of attention back then.

“You know, that sounds alright,” I say, offering him a smile. “I should let you know in advance, I am a handful, so I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

He grins. “I think I can handle it. Pass me your phone, and I’ll put my number in.”