When I manage to, that is.
I turn the main light on, thankful some of them remain, and stare down at the paper. Perhaps I dropped a receipt, or the electrician brought an invoice back. Flicking it open, my eyes widen and then narrow at the words scrawled on the paper. Messy and barely readable, they say She might be gone now, but you’re not. It’s your turn.
What the fuck kind of note is this?
I bet this was Colt trying to scare me out of the house.
He’s made it clear how he feels about me, and I’m done.
So fucking done.
I storm into the room and reach for my coat, pulling it on before charging out of the house and through the woods. I’m angry by the time I reach the gate because I’ve tripped, been scratched by leaves, and I’m so fucking tired that my exhaustion has turned into wild female energy. I don’t handle being tired. Not even a little. Add this on top and I’m scarily on edge.
Storming past Western’s shed, I reach the biker clubhouse that is crawling with people. There are all walks of life getting around, and the smell of smoke and alcohol fills the air. A bonfire close by is raging up into the night sky and people sit around it, more than a few of them making out. What is this, a teenage rager? Grunting to myself, I push my way through the crowd until I see a familiar face.
I like Fury, it’s hard not to like Fury.
He’s gorgeous, he’s funny, and he always talks to me. He has helped me out a few times and is basically the only one who doesn’t treat me like the outcast I am.
“Whoa, lady, what the fuck have you been doin’?”
I know I don’t look nice right now.
I’m covered in dirt and dust. My hair is a mess. I probably smell. I fell asleep in dirty clothes and haven’t yet changed them.
“Do not point out how horrible I look right now, Fury, I might just have a breakdown.”
He studies my face. “Everythin’ okay?”
“No. It isn’t. Where is Colt?”
“Inside. You need somethin’?”
“Oh,” I laugh bitterly. “I need something alright.”
I keep walking, not hearing the last thing he calls out. I search, swinging bedroom doors open, shoving people out of the way until I finally step into a room that has three pool tables, a few couches, a juke box, and is sort of like a game room. There Colt sits on the sofa, shirtless, jeans pulled down just enough, a thin blond on his lap, naked, riding him with her head tipped back.
I pause, momentarily shocked at the scene I’m walking into.
Don’t these people know how to use a lock?
I can’t help but focus on Colt’s face, his tight jaw, his distant expression, almost as if he’s somewhere else entirely.
The woman moans, hands on his shoulders, rolling her hips, her full bottom grinding against his lap.
This is awkward.
I don’t mean to, but I clear my throat. Colt’s head whips toward me, and his eyes lock onto mine. Well, I’m here now, guess I might as well carry on. The rage inside me has not simmered down, and, without a second thought, I hold the note up and say, “Do you think you’re funny?”
The girl on his lap spins around, staring at me with shock. Like she can’t believe I’m actually in the room, having a conversation while they’re in the middle of having sex. I don’t give a hoot what they’re doing, I want answers. I’m not going to let this man walk all over me.
“Can you get out?”
The girl on his lap is speaking to me in a tone that indicates she’s not at all pleased with me being here.
To be fair, I wouldn’t be either.
“No,” I answer simply. “I’m speaking with Colt.”
“He has his dick inside me right now,” she fires back.
“And that’s wonderful for you, but you need to slide off and leave.”
Her face scrunches. “Bitch, who the fuck do you think you are?”
Well, now she’s making my anger flare up even more than it already is.
“I’ll give you five seconds to get off and get out, or I’ll make you.”
She glares at me, turning to Colt and yelling, “Are you going to let her sit here and talk to me like that?”
Colt mutters something under his breath about his dick going soft. The girl turns back to me and yells again, “Get out!”
“Five seconds is up,” I say, walking toward her and curling my fist in her hair.
One good tug and she comes flying off his lap and lands on the floor at his feet. Her fake screeches fill the room. Rolling my eyes, I stare down at her. “Get up. You’re not hurt.”
I pulled her hair, but it wasn’t hard. It didn’t take much to catch her off balance. She’s being more than a little dramatic. Pushing to her feet, naked, she spins to Colt. I can’t deny she has a beautiful body. She’s a sexy girl, but I wouldn’t imagine he’d accept any less. Her attitude, on the other hand, is nothing to write home about.