It has just about killed me pulling it all down, but determination is my strong point and I worked myself overtime to get it done. A few times some of the bikers next door came over and gave me a hand. I couldn’t say I didn’t enjoy it, either. They’re fine and watching them tear down walls wasn’t hard for me to handle. Colt, of course, didn’t come by at all, but his son Western did. I like Western, even if talking to him is the equivalent to having a conversation with a tree.
He barely speaks, but that didn’t stop me from chewing his ear off.
I adore his girlfriend, Bonnie, too. She is the sweetest thing, and I just know I’m going to spark up a lifelong friendship with her. She is hard not to like, and she always brings me over food that she makes so I don’t have to go and buy any from the store. I love that about her, and the fact that she managed to tame the wild beast that is Western has my respect all in itself.
“Sorry,” I say to the electrician. “Yes, of course. Let me show you around.”
I show him what I’ve done and then he gets on his way crawling behind the old frame and underneath the floor, checking everything out. While he’s busy, I continue pulling any old bits of timber or rubbish from the house. I don’t even want to think about sorting everything I’ve dragged out—it looks so much messier now, but I have faith that when the walls are on, I’ll see some progress.
The problem with having no walls is that sleeping is incredibly terrifying. Even though the outside walls are still on the frame, the inside is exposed. I hear rats scurrying and creatures crawling around as I try to rest. It’s next to impossible. I even hung some sheets up to try and make it feel a little safer, but I do not sleep, and exhaustion is slowly creeping up on me. I tried the barn for a night, but when a rat ran over my face, I was out of there.
So now, I’ve surrounded my bed on the floor with rat traps in hopes that they won’t be able to get close enough to me.
I’ll be glad when I can seal them off for a final time.
The sound of revving motorcycles fills the air, and a screeching burnout can be heard and smelt. The bikers are partying ... again. It seems like they’re doing a lot of that lately, or maybe it’s just what they do. I wouldn’t know; it’s not like I’ve spent all my time hanging around bikers to know how they live. Still, that means another sleepless night is on the cards.
One day soon, I’m probably going to lose it.
Colt will get a piece of my mind as I tear the stereo from the wall and burn it in front of him.
Maybe not right now, but it’s coming.
Oh, it’s coming.
But tonight, I’m so tired I could basically fall asleep standing up.
“The electrics were surprisingly good.”
I spin around to face the electrician.
I sigh. “Oh, that’s good news.”
“I have replaced a few of the main wires, and when you replace the walls you will need new light switches, things like that, but the main component is quite well maintained.”
“Thank you so much.”
He takes my details for billing, and I assure him I’ll call as soon as the walls are on. Then, I go to my room and fall onto my floor bed, exhaling, arms out by my sides. I’m exhausted, so exhausted I fall asleep right there, the sun still out, the music next door still blaring. I don’t have it in me to keep my eyes open for a second longer.
Blissful silence finally takes over.
A loud crash just outside my window jerks me awake.
Bolting upright, I take a few moments to gather my bearings. It takes more than a few minutes for me to realize where I am and that I’m not alone. Shuffling sounds and leaves creaking have me pushing to my feet. Someone is out there. Probably a drunk from next door’s party. It’s not uncommon for them to stumble over here. I put a padlock on the gate, but, occasionally, they still wander down the driveway.
Taking a flashlight, I step out onto the front deck and flash it around, but I don’t see anyone. Moving farther out, I call out, but nobody answers me. Perhaps it’s an animal—it wouldn’t surprise me. They love this place, even though they damn well know I don’t love them. Still, it sounded heavier than an animal, and that makes me a little nervous because if it does have four legs, it isn’t nice.
Do they get mountain lions here?
Gosh, I don’t know.
The thought makes me take a step back when I notice a slip of paper on the front porch, shoved between two lines of timber. Narrowing my eyes, I reach down and snatch it up before turning and rushing into the house, locking the door. It’s flimsy, at best. Someone could very easily break in without even trying, but it makes me feel a little better. Mostly, the gun I keep beside my bed is what helps me sleep at night.