Confused, we get out of the car and rush inside where Venom, a biker who barely says two damned words, is standing by the gate.
“Get inside,” he orders, his voice gruff. “Right fuckin’ now.”
We don’t argue, we rush inside the gates and Bonnie immediately goes to Western, who is pacing, a phone in his hand, his eyes darting toward the road.
“What’s going on?” she asks him, her eyes wide as she looks around at the chaos unfolding.
“You need to go inside and do not come out until I tell you it’s safe. Now, Bonnie,” he orders her, then looks to me. “Go to your house. Now. Go.”
I don’t argue, I rush toward the back of the property where the gate joins us. I’m just through it and rushing down the path when I hear something in the bushes beside me. Pausing, I look over, eyes squinting, and I can see a dark jacket. A biker jacket. On a biker who is doing something in the bushland behind the properties. Shaking my head, I take a deep breath and begin pushing through the dense shrubs and trees until I reach the biker which I see right away is Colt.
What I see him with, on the other hand, is alarming to say the least.
It would appear we have a problem.
A big problem.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU doin’ here?” Colt barks as I stare down at the ground, my eyes not moving.
“Myla!” he growls when I don’t answer.
I can’t look away.
On the ground is the body of a dead man. I don’t know who the man is, but I can see he has blood trickling from his mouth, a bullet wound right in the middle of his forehead, and Colt is holding both his legs as he drags him into the bushland. I’m stunned, unable to think as I look down at what’s happening before me. A dead body. Colt is dragging a dead body.
It's almost laughable.
“Before you fuckin’ freak out ...” Colt begins as I look up at him.
“What are you doing, exactly?” I ask, side eyeing the man on the ground still – his eyes are closed, and I’m thankful because I’ve seen movies where the eyes are open and that freaks me way the hell out.
Weirdly, the dead man isn’t freaking me out.
Clearly, I’ve got issues.
Colt’s low growl rumbles through his chest, almost frustrated. “I don’t have time to discuss this with you.”
I stare up at him, crossing my arms. “Does it look like I care? What happened at the club just now?”
“I don’t have fuckin’ time, Myla,” he yells, his voice making me jerk. “Fuck me. Got the cops minutes away, goin’ to come searchin’ for this mother fucker thinkin’ we killed him when we didn’t. Was a big fuckin’ set up, and I’m not goin’ down for it. So, if you don’t mind, I need to get rid of this–” he points down at the body “–before they get here.”
“Well, you could have just said so,” I mutter, reaching for the man’s other leg. “I didn’t need your life story, Colt. All you had to say was you needed some help. Not that you deserve a single damned thing from me, but here we are.”
Colt stares at me, bewildered. “What the fuck are you doin’?”
I give him an isn’t it obvious look. “I’m helping you. You’ll never get this body far enough away if the cops are only minutes away. They’re going to look here; you know that right? There is only one place they don’t have permission to look.”
He’s still staring at me.
“Are you having a stroke, Colt?” I mutter.
He still doesn’t say anything.
“My place,” I go on when he doesn’t answer. “Without a warrant, they can’t look at my place. So, move it, will you? We don’t have long.”
I pull on the man’s leg, but I might as well be pulling a truck full of bricks. Without Colt’s help, I’m not moving him even an inch. Colt seems momentarily stunned, as if I’ve grown two heads.
“What?” I say, shaking my head. “Quit staring at me like I’ve lost it.”
“Why are you not freakin’ out?”
Jerking my head back, I curl up my lip. “Over this guy? I don’t know him. I believe what you’re saying, so why would I freak out? It’s not like I thought you guys were over here selling flowers to old ladies in public. You’re a motorcycle club. Now, hurry up, we’re running out of time.”
Something in his gaze changes as he looks at me, then, he focuses back on what we’re doing as sirens begin to sound out in the background. Leaning down, he takes the other leg, and we begin to pull. I make a whole lot of grunting noises because my god, a dead man is heavier than I ever would have imagined. We manage to get him to the other side of the fence and into my property, and then, we drag him to the barn. As Colt hides him, I quickly go and use a large branch to swipe away any drag marks.