Bonnie reaches for my hand. “I’m so sorry, I wish there was something else I could say, but that’s all I have.”

“It’s not your fault,” I say, softly. “It’s not even mine. But it’s going to change everything. It’s going to destroy something inside of him that he’ll never be able to repair.”

“So you’re going to tell him?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. He had a chance to know the truth in that diary and he threw it in the fire. He said he doesn’t want to know. Maybe it’s best it stays that way.”

“Maybe, but someone is threatening you, and that person isn’t going to go away until he gets whatever satisfaction he couldn’t suck out of Chloe. He’s not going to stop. You might not have a choice but to tell Colt. The club can help.”

I close my eyes, pressing my head into my hands. I can’t think. I just want to scream, loud and clear, for as long as I possibly can, just to relieve this pressure in my chest. The woman I thought I knew, so wholeheartedly, lied to me for so long. She lied to everyone, but that isn’t what hurts the most. What bothers me, more than anything, is that she never told a single soul. She left Jeannie on the side of the road, and she walked away.

I’ll never begin to understand why she would do something like that.

I know I can never possibly fathom how it would feel to hit and kill a person, so I know I’ll never truly get it, but I don’t think I would have it in me to drive away and leave her there, dead or alive.

If it was an accident, I’m sure the police would understand.

Was it an accident?

I don’t know.

I have no god damned answers because Colt burned that diary, and it had everything I ever needed to know in it.

“Come on, let’s get home and we can figure out what to do next. Firstly, though, we need to figure out what your little stalker wants out of all of this.”

I pull out my phone, tired of the games. “Why don’t we find out?”

“You have his number?” Bonnie asks, her eyes wide.

“He messaged me about that diary. I’ve called the number, but he refuses to answer. It’s worth trying to respond, though.”

“Probably a burner phone so if you take it to the police it won’t link back to anywhere.”

I snort. “Fucking probably. Let’s see.”

I open the last message my unknown friend sent me, and I respond.

M – Chloe killed Jeannie. My question is, what is it to you and what do you want?

I show Bonnie and she nods. “Straight to the point, I feel like that’s the only way we’ll get answers.”

I hit send.

Then we wait.

We go into the café and get a drink while we do, and I struggle to take my eyes off the phone, waiting for a reply. It finally comes with a ferocious vibration against the table. I snatch it up, my breath hitching in my throat.

Unknown – Congratulations. Now you know the kind of monster you loved. It matters to me because I don’t like killers. What I want is what I deserve.

Angrily, I type a response as Bonnie desperately stretches across the table to read the message.

M – What is it you deserve?

Unknown – Ah, ah, ah, we can’t make it too easy. One step at a time.

I toss the phone down onto the table. “He’s playing games. Whoever this is, he’s just out to play fucking games.”

Bonnie takes the phone, reading the messages. “It’s okay, let it be for now. We can work with this. Don’t respond. Don’t play into his pathetic little power trip.”

Gritting my teeth, I nod, because she’s right.

“The one thing I take out of this is where he said she mattered to him. That means this is someone in Jeannie’s life that she cared about, or who cared about her. This, if I’m right, is some sort of revenge. Which means ...”

“I need to tell Colt,” I exhale. “Because he’s the only person who can give me answers.”

Bonnie nods. “I can come with you, if you like?”

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “No, I’ll do it. Let’s go, I don’t think I can take much more of this.”

Nodding, Bonnie stands.

We both leave the café and drive home, going over every possible situation. The news article did say she was with a man, but that man was never named. I wonder if Colt knows who this man was and if he could lead us in his direction because I can almost guarantee it’s him doing this. He obviously loved her and is looking for revenge. Nothing else makes sense.

Arriving at the clubhouse, Bonnie and I get out of the car to somewhat of a chaotic scene.

Bikers are everywhere, rushing around, their faces frantic.