“Colt. No.”
I’m screaming now as I lunge at him, but with a quick flick of his arm, he pushes me off.
“Colt,” I beg. “Please. I need to know the truth.”
He doesn’t stop.
Everyone is looking in our direction. Bonnie and Western both stand as Colt approaches the fire. Then, without a word, he tosses the diary and the letter into the roaring flames.
“No,” I scream, charging past him and reaching toward the fire, toward the diary that is already beginning to burn.
Big arms go around my waist, hauling me back.
“Let me go,” I yell, legs kicking as I try to break free. “God dammit, let me go.”
Only when the diary is fully engulfed does he let me go.
I spin on him, tears bursting forth and rolling down my cheeks. “What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you do that? The truth was in that diary. The reason she left. Are you out of your damned mind!”
“I don’t want to know the fuckin’ truth,” Colt growls, his voice low. “She could have told me. Could have come to me. Could have trusted me. Instead, she fuckin’ left. She left and she never once fuckin’ looked back. Her truth doesn’t fuckin’ matter to me. She made her fuckin’ choice and I moved on.”
“It matters to me,” I scream, my fist lashing out to land on his chest, followed by the other one. “It matters to me because I’m the one being threatened. I needed that truth. God damn you.”
He takes my fists in his hands and holds me back, his breathing ragged, his eyes angry slits. Western steps forward, putting a hand on his father’s shoulder. “Let her go.”
Colt releases me, and I shake my head angrily at him. “I never want to see you again. Fuck you, Colt. You’re a fucking coward.”
I turn on my heel and walk off into the darkness.
Bonnie follows me, silently, her footsteps trailing behind me.
I rush all the way to the house and begin picking things up from the ground and throwing them around outside. Anger unlike anything I’ve ever felt is filling my body, and I want to scream, so I do. I open my mouth and a frustrated, angry scream leaves my lips. Bonnie stands back and lets me have my moment, and only when I’ve stopped does she step forward, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“We’ll figure it out,” she tells me, her voice calm. “I promise you.”
“Why is he doing this to me?” I say, my voice croaky. “Why is he tormenting me like this? He comes over here. He fucks me. He leaves and acts like nothing happened. Why am I so worthless to him?”
“You are not worthless,” she snaps, her voice firm as she holds me in front of her, both hands on my shoulders. “You are so fucking amazing. He is the one with the issues. You matter. Don’t ever let anyone make you think you don’t.”
“I’ll never matter to anyone the way she mattered to him.”
Bonnie’s eyes soften. “Have you got feelings for him, honey?”
“You can’t have feelings for a fucking devil.”
I turn and walk into the house. I’m done with him. Done with all of it. I want to get this place finished so I can get the hell out of this town and never look back. I never want to see Colt again. I never want to feel the way he’s making me feel right now again. I deserve more, and damned if I’m not going to go out there and find it.
Colt be damned.
The club is quiet, but all the bikes are here.
Tucking the food I got for Colt under my arm, I move toward the entrance. He told me he was busy today and not to come see him, but I thought I’d surprise him with lunch anyway. He loves the little café down the road and the burgers they make, so I got him his favorite and drove over here, only to find the place quiet. Glancing around, I notice some movement in the window by the shed.
The front gate was locked, but Colt gave me a key when he made me his old lady.
It was an incredible honor, knowing that I could come and go whenever I want. So, I used it for the first time, which felt amazing. I wonder, though, if I should just leave. He did tell me when the gate is locked, generally it’s when they’re conducting business, but he also told me I can always come here. Shrugging it off, I decide I’ll just quickly drop the food off and leave.
I won’t bother him long.
Making my way toward the shed, I breathe in the beautiful crisp summer air. The days are growing warmer, and it’s my favorite time of the year. I love the summer. I love the beach. I love ice cream. I love everything about it. With a smile on my face, I twist the doorknob and walk into the shed, not at all ready for what I see when I step inside.