My heart is racing as I sit on the end of my bed and open the diary. The first thing to fall out is a note with ‘Colt’ written on the front. With trembling fingers, I open it and read the familiar handwriting that belongs to my aunt.
Dear Colt,
I don’t know how to write this.
I don’t even know where to start.
If you’re reading this, then I’m no longer around.
I left it somewhere I knew she would find it for you one day, so finally you’d be able to have the answers that you’ve so desperately been seeking.
The answers I kept from you when I went away.
The answers that I know your soul needs.
I wish there was a better way, something that could explain this and make the bitter sorrow in your heart ease, but I know by now the hatred you have for me is strong.
I know because ... I loved you as much as you loved me. I do believe you loved me, Colt, even if you’re shaking your head right now. Even if your heart has a steel wall around it, that the very mention of my name causes it to shrink and tighten, until you’re gasping for air and clenching your fists in rage.
I know you.
That’s what made things so hard.
But the truth is I had no other choice. I had to leave.
I had to because the guilt was consuming me. It was eating me away little by little.
My secret took over my life.
But it wasn’t just my secret.
Somebody else knew what I did.
A stranger in the night, a faceless man who went on to make my life hell after what happened. I never told you about him, because if I had, you would have known the truth.
The truth that I’ve carried around for so many years.
The truth I’ve taken to my grave with me.
You need to find him. You need to end this.
When you read this diary, you’ll know the truth, and when you find out the truth, you’ll hate me forever.
I’m sorry.
He made sure I left and never returned.
In his sick, twisted games, he blackmailed me, he made my life hell, he tormented me until I could do nothing more than pack up and escape.
He was going to take everything from me, including you.
I couldn’t let that happen.
Sorry doesn’t begin to cover it, and so I won’t bother saying that simple word.
Instead, I will tell you that you were on my mind every single second of every single day until the last breath left my lungs.
I know reading this will be hard, and for that, I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
Take care of my niece, you know she’s my world.
Help her fix our house.
Help it become a home again.
I love you.
Chloe xx
Hot tears roll down my cheeks as I read the words. She was so broken, so hurt, so tormented, and now I know that she was being driven out of town. The question is ... why? I know if I read on, I’ll find out the truth, but I’m afraid. I’m afraid that what I read will forever change things. I know I don’t have a choice. I know Colt deserves the letter. But first, I need to know the truth.
I turn to page one, and the first few entries in her diary are about meeting Colt. She talks about the incredible times they have, about the beachside café and the rides they take together. She talks about buying this house and how much she loves it. She writes with happiness and joy, and her future dreams of making it a home for them. She is carefree, and her words portray that.
But then something changes.
Midway through the diary, her entry becomes a little different.
Dear Diary,
We had a huge fight today.
I’m sitting outside as I write, listening to the blaring music next door. He’s over there, and I know he’s angry at me, but I just wish he would see it from my side.
I saw something that changed the way I pictured our life together.
I know he’s a biker. I know he does bad things. But I never thought about how those things might impact my life.
What I saw ... it crushed me. A different side to him was exposed and I had to admit that, if we are to stay together, that is a side my children might see one day.
Can I truly be okay with that?
Is this truly the life I want for them?
I tried to talk to him about it. I asked him to leave the club, to hand it down to Fury, but he refused. He said he’ll never leave. That the club will always come first.
Those words crushed me.
He basically said it means more to him than I do.
I just want him to see it from my side.
It’s dangerous. I don’t know if I can have that in a world where I’m raising children.