And know that I did it for them.
Together, with him, the man I love.
Our story will be epic.
I’m going to make sure of it.
“This place is amazing,” Bonnie breathes as we stand on the deck overlooking the ocean, the breeze whipping our hair as the scent of salt fills our nostrils. Combined with the delicious food cooking in the background and the heavenly waft of brewing coffee, I can see why it’s a hit.
Located in a tiny seaside town, this café on the water is the highlight of the small place. If you blinked, you’d miss it, but oh, how incredible it is to see it and, even more so, to come inside. A large wooden sign above the building can be seen from the road, with the name “Ocean Delights” written in bold, white lettering, surrounded by old items collected from the ocean, giving it a very rustic, beachy feel.
“Welcome to Ocean Delights, can I get you ladies a seat?”
Turning, we face an older woman with a big smile on her face. Her uniform is a pair of black shorts and an ocean-blue shirt with the symbol stretched across her breasts. Her hair is tied up on top of her head with a blue and white ribbon. Her blue eyes match her shirt, and her blond hair gives her the perfect beachy vibe.
Bonnie smiles. “We would love one.”
She shows us to a seat on the deck overlooking the ocean and hands us a menu. She promises to return shortly to take our order. I close my eyes for a moment, breathing in the ocean air. I can see why Chloe loved it here so much—it’s quite possibly the most relaxing place I’ve sat to eat in my short life.
“I can see why they liked it here.”
I open my eyes and glance at Bonnie. “Me, too.”
“Should we get a drink with lunch? Or is that pushing the hangover too far?”
My stomach recoils at the thought, but at the same time sitting here and having a drink with lunch does sound amazing.
“You know what they say,” I say, giving her a nervous smile, “the best way to cure a hangover is to keep drinking.”
Bonnie laughs. “I can’t say I have heard that one, but if you’re game, I am. They have amazing looking cocktails.”
I peruse the menu and decide on fish for lunch. It seems only fitting. Then, I pick a tropical cocktail. Bonnie orders the same. The same waitress who seated us writes down our order. While I have her here and it isn’t busy, I ask the question we came here to find out the answer to. Does she know Chloe and Colt?
“I know it’s probably a stretch,” I say, when she has finished writing our order down, “but you don’t happen to remember two people coming here by the names of Colt and Chloe, do you?”
Her head whips up, and she stares at me, shocked. “Gosh, I haven’t heard those names in years. Of course I remember them, they came here every single week.”
My heart races.
“They did?”
She nods. “Yes. I remember the first time he brought her here; she was so quiet and pretty, the kind of girl you never thought you’d see him with. But each week he brought her back, and over time, they became our most regular customers. How is Chloe? I haven’t seen her since ... well ... their fight.”
What fight?
I shake my head. One thing at a time.
“Chloe passed,” I say softly. “She was my aunt. I’m fixing up her house by the club, it was what she wanted.”
Her face drops. “Oh. Oh. I’m so sorry. Oh gosh, I really liked her. She was always so kind. Colt must be devastated.”
I glance at Bonnie, and she nods for me to keep going.
“The two of them broke up, quite some time ago. He wasn’t with her ...”
Her face falls. “They broke up? I wondered why he never came back here, he always showed up, every single week even before he met her. Did something happen?”
I frown. “That’s what I’m hoping to find out. Nobody knows what went down between the two of them, and he isn’t very forthcoming. I was hoping I might find some answers here. There is so much missing from her story. Firstly, though, I’m so sorry, my name is Myla.”
“Oh, Myla, Chloe told me about you. She talked about you often. It’s wonderful to meet you. I’m Andrea.”
“Nice to meet you, too.”
Andrea purses her lips as she thinks back, and I can tell just by looking at her that she loves to tell a good story. “The last time they came in here, they had a big fight. It stopped the whole place. She ran out crying, and I never saw them again after that.”
“Do you know what the fight was about?” I question.