Not until I officially become Colt’s old lady.

I wonder if he’ll ever make that claim?

Deep within my heart, I hope he does.

We’ve been together a while now, but I know that’s a big deal, somewhat like marriage I suppose.

“It’s hard to keep my hands off him, Mex.” I grin. “He’s just too handsome.”

Colt grunts. “Don’t be callin’ me handsome, baby. I’m not down with it.”

“What will you have me call you?” I say, running a finger down his cheek. “Sexy? Gorgeous?”

“Fuck me.”

Mex chuckles. “I say you go for honey, really sweeten him up.”

Colt gives Mex a death stare. “Better watch it, or I’ll have you high tailin’ it back to Mexico in no time.”

Mexico being where Mex gets his nickname.

I haven’t heard the full story, but I do know he apparently gets himself into trouble a lot and has had to hide out in Mexico with friends of his.


Can’t keep them under wraps.

I didn’t know just how much I’d come to love being around them, though.

My boss made the right choice sending me here for work.

Because I’ve never looked back, and I have no plans of doing so anytime soon.

This is my home now.

Right here with Colt.

SCRATCHING A MESSAGE into the wall with a small piece of sharp metal, I carve out a little reminder into the paint before I cover the walls with wallpaper. I decided against painting them when I found wallpaper that looks amazing and makes the place feel homely. I’m not putting it on everything, I will paint some, but I am going to brighten it up by using it in different places throughout the house.

I carve in our initials, C&C, followed by the date and then smile as I stare at it. Nobody will ever see it but Colt and me, but I’ll always know it’s there, just beyond the surface. Warm arms go around my waist as Colt approaches me from behind, no doubt looking at what I’m doing. Then, he reaches for the metal and extends a hand out, scratching stop writing on the damn walls in his scrawly handwriting. I laugh, taking the metal and writing Never. I love you. Silently, he finishes it by writing I love you more than the air I breathe.

My heart explodes as I spin in his arms, facing him. “You do?”

He leans down, kissing my lips. “More than you could ever fuckin’ understand. You belong to me now.”

“Wait,” I say, a hand against his chest as I hold him back, “are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

His eyes flash. “It does.”

“I’m your old lady? Your actual old lady?”

He grins. “Yeah, baby. You’re my old lady.”

I jump up and down with a squeal of delight. He has told me he loves me a million times, but he just made me the one thing I’ve been wanting to be for years now. It means I matter to him. It means I matter more than anyone has mattered before. It means he loves me and he’s proud to have me by his side. Mostly, it means he made a place for me in the club he calls home. A place in his heart. A place in his soul. A place within his brotherhood.

No marriage could ever compare.

I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him, deep and long, until we’re both panting with a need that can’t be undone. Him asking me to be his wife wouldn’t mean as much as this does. Tears burst forth and roll down my cheeks as I kiss him harder, my body grinding against his. He pulls back at the salty taste and looks down at me. “You’re cryin’?”

“Because I’m so happy. You ... You make me so damned happy.”

I don’t even know how it happened, not really.

I met a biker at a bar, and, somehow, something within him captured me. I haven’t been able to look back since. Not since the first moment he took me to our favorite beachside café that we now go together to. I knew there was something about him I would cling to, and I was right. It’s hard to explain it when you just know someone has the kind of soul that matches yours. He might be dangerous and rugged, but our hearts feel as though they sought each other out, knowing we’d be the perfect balance for each other.

I am wholeheartedly in love with this man.

I can’t imagine my life without him.

I don’t even want to try.

“Want to go celebrate?” he asks me, running a hand up and down my back.


“Let’s do it.”

He leads me out of the house that I’ve already grown so attached to. The house that I knew would be mine from the moment I saw it. Slowly but surely, I’m making it a home. It needed some work, but everything was there, ready to be loved and love is what I gave it. I poured it into the walls and the floors, into the gardens and the yard. Everything I touch, I’m filling with the best of me because, one day, I want my children to be able to feel the same kind of love.