He steps past me and begins walking toward the clubhouse. Nervously, I follow him.
“Which one of those is yours?” I ask, pointing to the bikes.
“That one,” he says, pointing to a black, sleek motorcycle. “And that, that, that, and that.”
He points to another four bikes.
“Well, you have quite the choice, don’t you?”
He grins and reaches out, taking my hand and pulling me up the front steps. My heart is going crazy, but once we step inside and I see that it’s not at all what I imagined, I settle down. He introduces me to so many people I can’t remember any of their names, but I’m sure with time, I’ll get it. The only one I remember is Fury, and that’s because he spent a lot of time chatting to me, his easy-going nature making me feel right at home.
He’s younger than Colt, but his loyalty shines from him.
Colt takes me to a room at the back of the house where he has an office type set up. Well, it’s like a bedroom mixed with an office. There is a bed, a desk, a sofa, and a television. I glance around the room, surprised at how tidy it is, and then I turn to face him. “Do you live here?”
He shakes his head. “No, but I spend most of my time here. Got an apartment in town, it doesn’t see much of me.”
Well, that’s one question answered.
Looking over to his desk, I see a picture of him with a young man who is possibly in his late teens. He looks exactly like Colt, and it’s very clear to me that it’s his son. How come I didn’t meet him? Did something happen to him? Do I dare ask? As if reading my mind, Colt answers before I even get the chance to say anything.
“That’s my boy, Western. He’s in prison.”
Oh my.
I turn to face him. “For how long?”
“If I have my fuckin’ way, I’ll get him out, but otherwise he’ll be in there for twenty ... maybe more. He’s been in there a while already. Still fightin’ to get answers.”
“Twenty years?” I gasp.
Colt nods, sharply.
“May I ask why?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
I tip my head to the side. “Try me.”
“He got done for murder, but he didn’t commit that murder. I know that with certainty, but I don’t have proof. Been fightin’ for him since he went in, and I won’t stop until he’s out.”
I want to ask more, but he doesn’t look like he wants to talk about it any further.
“I’m sorry,” I offer. “It must be hard. Where is his mother?”
“Not in the picture anymore. We were young when we had him. Shit went south.”
Not very forthcoming, but I am a stranger so I can’t say I blame him.
I drop it.
“So, where are you taking me on this bike?”
He picks up his jacket from the back of the chair and pulls it on. It only makes him look that much more dangerous, and I have to look away so he can’t see the way my face heats as my eyes roam over his body.
“You’ll see.”
He leaves the room, and I follow him out, making a mental note to look up his son’s case when I get home. Surely there will be something on the news about it. It seems like it might be a big deal.
Colt picks a sleek red bike from the large group of parked motorcycles outside. It’s big and burly, but with a back rest for me, it looks like it’s comfortable. Colt lifts a helmet off a bike nearby and hands it to me. “Passengers always wear a helmet.”
“Do you take many passengers on this bike?” I ask, grinning as I pull the helmet on.
Colt winks at me but doesn’t answer.
He slides onto the bike first, starting it up. A low rumble fills the air, and my heart races with excitement. I’ve never been on a bike, and it’s safe to say I’m nervous. Colt glances over at me and nods, and then I climb on behind him. Leaning against the backrest, I place my hands down on his sides, not sure where else to put them. He reaches back, his big rough hand covering mine as he moves them up just a bit.
Gosh, I don’t know how I’m going to get through this.
My body is on high alert. All I can think about is kissing him, touching him, being close to him. It’s terrifying the kind of hold he has on me in such a short time. This is lust in its finest form, and it’s stronger than I’ve ever experienced before in my life. I’ve had relationships that haven’t felt this intense. I’m thirty this year, and I’ve never experienced this feeling before in my life.
It's exhilarating.
When Colt takes off, I scream and tighten my grip on his leather jacket. My pure whoops of delight can be heard as we exit the compound and speed off down the road. The freedom as the wind whips my face and the fresh scent of the air fills my nose is something I’ve never enjoyed before. Trapped in an office, I’ve spent my life in cities with traffic and people and very little time to just bask in the world around me.