Page 9 of The Consigliere

He licks his lips and nods nervously. “Thank you, sir.”

“Did you enjoy the party I laid on for you?”

He nods, the sweat beading on his brow as he senses he’s about to pay dearly for it.

I flick on my monitor and note the blood drain from his face as he watches his starring role and the only sounds in the room are of his groans of ecstasy as he has his cake and eats it.

“What is this?” He says nervously, his tongue sliding along his dry lips as he struggles to understand what’s happening.

“I thought you’d enjoy a memento of the occasion.”

He says nothing and I register the sweat running down his face as he waits for the sword to fall.

I savor the moment before saying casually, “It’s time to pay up.”

“But I thought…”

“This was a free party?”

I shake my head as if I’m disappointed.

“You should understand that nothing is free in life, of value, anyway.”

I take a moment to witness the realization settle over him and then lean forward, relishing the blood draining from his face as I say in a dark voice.

“For your information your current girlfriend sat in that chair not one hour ago and watched the same movie.”

“Abigail, but…” He glances around as if she’s still here, and I nod. “Yes, she was fascinated by it. Rather disgusted as it happens, and it wasn’t pleasant to witness.”

“What the…?” Jefferson makes to stand but is pushed roughly back down in his seat as he says through gritted teeth, “Do you know who I am?”

Like his girlfriend, he shows a sudden spark, and it makes me snap, “I know exactly who you are. Jefferson Stevenson spoiled rich kid who lives off his father’s money and reputation. A kid who had everything handed to him in life, including a bright future, the perfect fiancé, the gold-lined path to glory and a guarantee that if anything goes wrong in his life, daddy will make it all go away.”

I lean back and shake my head. “However, this time I’m guessing you would rather daddy didn’t learn about this particular performance. The trouble is, he may find out when his son’s movie hits the internet, and his own respectable name is dragged across the tabloids. I’m guessing he will soon learn what his son does when his back is turned, when the invitations dry up to socially acceptable gatherings and his friends turn their backs on him. I’m also guessing he will be mightily pissed when he is forced to take early retirement. I mean, how can he take the moral high ground as he passes judgment on others, when his own son breaks the law at will? So, it’s up to you now, Jefferson. To step up and sort your own shit out, or be the reason he loses everything he has worked his entire life for.”

Jefferson turns an interesting shade of white and as he slumps in his seat, I can tell his mind is scrambling for a solution to his problem and he says wearily, “What do you want?”

“Your girlfriend.”

I lean back and his head jerks up as he stares at me in astonishment. “Abigail?”

I nod. “I want to borrow her for the summer.”

“But why?”

“I need her help and she has already agreed.”

“To protect me.” Jefferson says in surprise and for some reason, I feel like punching the arrogant little shit.

“No.” I laugh slowly. “Actually, her words were, it’s his shit to deal with, not mine.”

I grin, loving the anger growing on Jefferson’s conceited face.

“I pointed out the repercussions of this movie reaching the public domain and she agreed to save her family the embarrassment of being associated with you.”

Jefferson’s shoulders sag and I know I have him exactly where I want him.

“So, she becomes your…” he winces. “Girlfriend for the summer. That’s it?”