I try so hard to drag my mind back to that time, but all I taste is revulsion as her lips rest against mine.
She moans and whispers, “I want you so badly. Fuck me now, right here.”
Luckily, the door opens, making my exit easy, and I pull away from her as Cesare enters the room.
“Boss, I need a word.”
I forgive Cesare unconditionally for allowing Abigail to escape, merely for separating that woman’s lips from mine, and I jump up and say over my departing shoulder, “Wait here.”
As soon as we leave the room, I exhale sharply. “Thank fuck for the interruption. I was struggling back there.”
Cesare nods. “Anytime.”
He says with a sigh. “The guys have come up with nothing. There’s no trace of them. Not even Jefferson. It’s as if they’ve disappeared off the face of the earth.”
“Or into it.” I growl, reminding him of the vermin we’re dealing with.
Turning toward the door, I sigh heavily. “Then that woman is our only hope. Why do I think it’s a trap?”
“Because you understand how her mind works, I guess.”
“That’s what I’m scared of.”
I exhale sharply and say with frustration, “We’re at a dead end. Diana is our only hope, but it may cost more than I’m willing to pay.”
Cesare shrugs. “Then defer payment.”
It makes me smile because he always has such simple answers for complicated problems and detaches emotion with an ease I thought I had until I met Abi.
“Don’t leave me alone with that bitch. It’s time to get my wife back.”
I make my decision in a heartbeat and head back into the room, Cesare hot on my heels.
Diana looks up and smiles, something in her expression telling me she knows she has backed me into a corner, and I hate that she’s right.
“Tell me where Mario is now?”
“So, you’ll help me?” She flutters her lashes and I nod. “I will.”
She plays with the fabric of her dress and smiles. “Mario has a house in Boston. He prefers it there because it’s a fortress.”
We don’t interrupt and let her speak, and I note the devious glint in her eye that makes me wonder if it’s due to him or me.
“He has taken your, um, visitor there.”
Suddenly, she looks up and stares at me with an expression of pain and whispers, “You don’t love her, do you, Matty?”
I can tell it’s important to her that I don’t, and love isn’t something I’ve ever considered until now. In my heart, I think I do because it hurts so much knowing she’s in danger and I may not be able to save her. I shouldn’t care, I shouldn’t give a fuck actually, but it’s become the most important thing in my life to bring her home safely.
However, even I realize Diana would hate knowing that, so I growl, “Love is an emotion fabricated by fools. I loved once and look where it got me.”
My answer appears to satisfy her because she believes she is the only woman I have ever loved, which gives her a certain power over me.
She nods and glances past me to Cesare and shakes her head. “Two such powerful men. I knew this was the perfect place to come for help. Mario is out of control and needs to be stopped.”
“Then tell us his address and any security measures we need to be aware of.”
“He is using the Ortega soldiers as his own personal army. They surround him, but their loyalty lies with you and your brothers. Mario may believe he’s in control, but one command from you would make them turn on him.”