Page 2 of The Consigliere

“Anna, darling. How wonderful you could make it.”

I notice my mother flinch before contact and as they air kiss, I don’t miss her friend’s piercing gaze settle on me and if anything, she appears to be assessing me.

She pulls back and purrs, “This must be your beautiful daughter, Abigail.”

Mom nods and says sharply, “Abigail, where are your manners?”

I paste a bright smile on my face and say politely, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Bachini.”

I sense there is something happening I can’t work out as she stares at me with an intensity that makes me a little uncomfortable.

She is joined by a man who is equally creepy, and his expression is much the same as he stares at me with a hunger that causes me to step back a little.

“Jared, Anna, I’m so glad you could make it.”

The man says loudly, causing a few guests standing nearby to glance up with an expression of curiosity. I’m guessing this is her husband, Sam Bachini and I shiver inside as I sense there is something not quite right about this man.

If anything, it appears we are the star attraction and I wonder about that.

Mrs. Bachini glances behind her and says loudly, “Mario, come and say hi to our guests.”

I’m not sure if it’s my imagination or not, but my father moves in front of me as a guy who makes my flesh creep steps into view.

Their son obviously inherited his parents’ piercing gaze as he runs it the length of me with a hunger that sets me on edge. He appears to be a little older than me and is possibly the most unattractive man I have ever met. His hair is greased back, and his eyes are narrow. He stands tall and thin, and his suit hangs off his body as if it would rather not touch him at all. His pale skin and dark shifty eyes are a serious turnoff, and the way he licks his lips as he stares at me puts me on edge.

He holds out his hand and I have no choice but to take it and as his clammy hand closes around mine, he raises it to his lips and just the touch of those wet lips on my skin makes me want to snatch my hand away and wipe it on the drapes because this guy is seriously disgusting.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Kensington.”

I nod, words escaping me because the pleasure is definitely not mine.

I make to take my hand away, but he grips on tight and it’s a little awkward as my father pulls me roughly back and says firmly, “I believe we have business to discuss, Sam.”

I glance up in surprise and register the resignation on my mother’s face as Mrs. Bachini smiles almost victoriously. “Come, Anna. Let’s go and catch up and leave the men to talk.”

She turns to her son. “Mario, perhaps you could entertain Abigail.”

I don’t appreciate his sly look as he stares at my chest and thank God for my father because he snaps, “Abigail will be fine with Anna. We don’t allow her to mix with the opposite sex—ever.”

If anything, I note the narrowing eyes of our host, which is quickly replaced with a false smile.

“Of course.”

Mrs. Bachini says quickly, “Perhaps she would prefer to spend time with our two daughters instead.”

I glance up in surprise as Mrs. Bachini points out two girls who appear to be the same age as me, but my father says firmly, “She stays with my wife.”

I cast a curious gaze in their direction and note the two almost identical girls who look nothing like the Bachinis. They are both extremely pretty blondes with the most astonishing blue eyes and yet when I peer closer, I note the animosity in one of the girl’s eyes as she looks my way. It unnerves me a little, especially when I notice her sister staring at Mario with a contemplative expression. There is something extremely weird about this family and for once I am keen to remain in the dark because if I never see any of them again, I will die happy.

* * *

Exactly one hour later,my father reappears and rescues us from the most excruciating conversation with Mrs. Bachini and as we make to leave, I can tell my father is extremely unhappy. Angry in fact, and I wonder what the meeting was about.

I note the concern in my mother’s eyes as she shares a look with her husband and then we are saying our goodbyes before I can process what’s happening.

As we make to leave, I catch sight of their son Mario standing beside one of the pretty girls and it makes me shiver inside. The expression of hatred on her face is solely directed at me, but it’s Mario’s expression that scares me the most. It’s as if he wants to devour me and what I register in his eyes is a promise.

There is something very disturbing about our visit today and I’m almost certain the reason for it concerns the two of us, and I can’t get out of here quickly enough.