His aunt touched his arm. “Of course, you do, my dear.” She sighed. “Seriously, men. I don’t know why it always takes you so long to figure out what the heart wants. I can’t tell you how it warms my heart. Annie makes you happy and you so deserve to be happy. But Riley is right. This is not the place or time to make another scene. Go home, cool off, talk to her in the morning.”


Annie knew theexact moment Craig stepped into the barn. She wasn’t facing the door, but the slight shiver down her spine she always felt when he was near was enough to alert her to his presence.

As Hunter swung her around, she met Craig’s eyes across the room. Hands on hips, a deep frown on his forehead, he was watching her. For a moment longer he stood like that before he turned around and walked right back out.

Her heart breaking, she closed her eyes as Hunter swung her out for a last turn. The song was ending. What was she doing here, dancing with someone else when her whole being wanted to be with Craig?


Smiling wryly, he chuckled. “You want to leave.”

“I’m sorry.”

Shrugging, he steered her toward their table. “Your heart belongs to someone else. Get your bag, I’ll take you back.”

“That’s not necessary…”

“My momma would skin me alive if I let a lady walk home this time of night.”

Annie swallowed back her tears. Here she was with a nice, attractive guy who made it clear he wanted to be with her, but her heart wasn’t here. It had left with Craig.

He was who her whole being wanted, nobody else.

Chapter Eighteen

Craig unlocked thefront door to Aunt Janice’s house, but instead of entering, he closed it again. He needed space to figure out a few things. Riley had just dropped him off, she was going back to the dance where their aunt and Dylan still were.

With his hands deep in his jacket pockets, he walked down the street, his eyes on his feet. Of course, he damn well loved Annie. He’d probably fallen for her gorgeous smile back in February when he and Riley were here.

She was everything he never knew he wanted. She was kind, open, funny, gorgeous and so sexy he couldn’t see straight. There was no way he could go back to Portland before he told her how he felt.

And then what? He slowed down, stopped. Riley was right, there was nothing to say they had to get married, but what about Annie? How would she feel about it? Annie in white… the picture had been so clear, what if…

“Fancy meeting you here,” a soft voice said close by.

He looked up. His heart just about leapt out of his body. Annie. She was on the sidewalk in front of her house. Although she was wearing a coat, those sexy heels were still on her feet. Somewhere behind them a car drove away.

“You’re in front of my house,” Annie said. “Again.”

His hands still deep in his pockets, he walked right up to her. “I always seem to end up here, on the street where you live.”

Her eyes were hooded, her face for once giving nothing away. “Why do you think that is?”

“It took me a while, but I’ve finally figured it out tonight.”



His gaze slid over every inch of her lovely face. “I’ve missed you.”

The corners of her mouth turned upward, ever so slightly. Her eyes softened. “I’ve missed you, too.”

“I don’t ever want to be without you again.”
