Nodding, he walked toward his car. He knew exactly what his aunt wasn’t saying. Irritated, he got into his car.

The room he’d booked at the hotel would have to be canceled. Tomorrow there’d probably be another story, another wager.


Annie stole aglimpse at Craig as he parked the car in front of Grey’s Saloon. Her mouth had literally begun to water when she’d seen him. Dressed in a crisp white shirt and jeans, he was devastatingly attractive.

He’d been quiet all the way. His eyes had darkened as she came down the stairs. She’d hoped the white dress with maroon polka dots that crossed over her breasts, would elicit some reaction, but she wasn’t prepared for the flash of heat in his eyes or the way his gaze had raked over her. The dress had long sleeves, the neck was wide, leaving her shoulders bare. With it, she wore another pair of hoop earrings.

He hadn’t said anything, just let his fingers trail across her back as he’d helped her into her coat. He’d taken her hand as he drove away from her house, but he hadn’t said a word since.

With her hand on the door, she turned to him. “What is wrong, Craig? And don’t tell me nothing, I know you. I told you if you don’t want to do this, it’s fine. I’ll probably be sad when you leave, but I’ll get over it in time. What I don’t want is for you to do something you don’t want to…”

His arms shot out and he just about hauled her on to his lap before she’d finished speaking.

With unsteady fingers, he stroked her shoulders before his hand glided down to follow the neckline of her dress, just above her breasts. “Do you have any idea what you do to me? You are so, so beautiful, I ache for you. I’ve booked a room in the hotel tonight but apparently, the whole damn town is talking about us, so I’ve cancelled it again. I don’t want people talking about you.”

“There are rumors about you and the lovely Sandra doing the rounds as well.”

Groaning, he cupped her face. “You’ve heard about that too?”

“I have. Apparently, she couldn’t stop touching you.”

“Did she? I don’t remember. I was thinking about you the whole time.” Inhaling deeply, he closed his eyes for a moment. “Damn it, Annie, I don’t want to hurt you. I wasn’t expecting people to talk, to gossip about you, about us. I’m leaving, but you’ll be staying behind…”

Annie moved back to her seat. She knew what needed to be done. “This is getting way more complicated than either of us had anticipated. Let’s chalk the whole thing up to hormones and strange times. It’ll pass. Let’s have dinner as friends, talk about happy things, and afterward go our merry ways. We’ll probably see one another at the wedding, but by then this craziness would’ve subsided.”

“That’s not…”

Her heart breaking into a million little pieces, she opened the door. “Come on, friend, I’m hungry.”


“You shouldn’t expectmuch,” Annie was babbling away as they walked toward Grey’s saloon. “Grey’s Saloon is something right out of an old cowboy movie. Apparently, it’s the oldest building in town. I don’t think the battered bar, the booths, or the scarred floorboards have ever been replaced.”

It was difficult following what Annie was saying, Craig was gnashing his teeth together, trying his best not to touch Annie. She was right. He didn’t like it, but everything she’d said, made sense. It was better for both of them if he didn’t see her again after tonight.

As they entered, a tall guy ahead of them spotted Annie and, with a huge grin, he stepped closer to her. It was the cowboy she’d been on a date with.

“Hi, Annie, how lovely to see you. Give me a call. I think it’s time for our second date.”

“Thanks, Hunter…” Annie began, but without thinking, Craig put an arm around Annie’s shoulders.

The guy winked at Annie. “When he leaves. I’m not going anywhere and am happy to wait for you.”

Fed up with the whole scenario, Craig took Annie’s hand. This was ridiculous.

Annie tried to pull her hand from his, but he wouldn’t let go. “Craig, friends don’t walk hand in hand.”

“I have to touch you, damn it,” he growled as they walked toward the counter. “I don’t like that guy.”

“You don’t know him. He’s very nice.”

As they walked toward an open table, Craig kept Annie close to his side. “I don’t want to think about you with someone else.”

Annie smiled wryly. “Good. Then you know how I feel about you going back to dating two women at a time.”

Dating two women? He didn’t want to date anyone else, let alone two women at the same time.