Smiling, the little boy threw his arms around her neck. “I like you, Annie.”
Laughing, she hugged him. “I like you too.”
As she got up, Riley was walking toward them, camera in hand. “Hope you don’t mind, I also wanted to capture this evening.” Lifting her camera, she began clicking away. “Aunt Janice you’re right—she does this beautifully.”
Annie smiled and nodded, but her eyes were searching for Craig. And there he was, entering the kitchen with his cousin Aiden.
Their eyes met. Something was wrong. There was a tightness around his mouth she hadn’t seen before. Excusing herself from Riley and Janice, she walked toward him.
“Everything okay?” she asked when she reached him, touching his arm.
Pulling her closer, he hugged her, pressing his mouth against her naked shoulder. “Missed you. You look incredible. How the hell am I supposed to keep my hands to myself?” He touched her earrings. “I love these.”
Smiling, she searched his face. He wasn’t going to tell her what was bothering him. “Missed you, too.”
“Okay, you two,” Mitch grumbled. “How about we eat first?”
“Is Vivian back from the hospital?” Annie asked Aiden.
“She should be here any minute now,” Aiden said just as the front door opened. Smiling, Aiden turned away quickly. “And there she is.”
Staring after hiscousin who was just about running to see his soon-to-be wife, Craig put an arm around Annie. Aiden was clearly besotted with his fiancé and she with him. They made being together look so easy.
“Craig?” Annie asked.
He wanted to talk to her, to tell her what was bothering him, but he wasn’t staying around—what was the point? They were supposed to have a little fun, not share painful memories with one another.
Instead, he stroked the satin softness of her shoulders. “This is driving me crazy.”
Catching her breath, she grabbed his wandering hand, pulling him closer to where the rest were standing around the dining room table. “Behave. I have people to feed. Come on, I need a glass of wine.”
“Lovely flowers,” he said, pointing toward the red lilies on the table. “Your favorite?”
Smiling, she shook her head. “I love all flowers, but there is just something about a bunch of red roses, you know? I can’t wait for summer so I can fill the house with them. These are amaryllis.”
“I’m learning more about you every day,” he said softly. “Red roses?”
“Love them,” she smiled.
Mitch had already opened a bottle and was handing out glasses to Aunt Janice and Riley.
“Have you told Annie your parents will be here tomorrow?” Riley asked.
Craig swallowed his groan. With a family like his, keeping personal stuff personal was just about impossible. He should’ve known either his cousin or his aunt would say something.
Annie dropped hishand. “It’s fine. I’m sure he doesn’t want to share all his personal stuff with us. I’m going to get the food… Hi, Viv.” She smiled as Aiden and Vivian reached them. “Will you make sure everyone has a seat? I’m getting the food.”
Gnashing his teeth, Craig quickly followed her. He was fairly positive Riley knew he hadn’t planned on telling Annie about his parents arriving tomorrow. That was why she’d mentioned it. And really, it wasn’t that big a deal, he probably would’ve said something eventually. Now it was a thing.
He caught Annie’s arm in the kitchen. “Annie, baby, it’s not that I wasn’t going to tell you…”
Smiling at some spot way above his head, Annie shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. We kiss and make out, no personal details needed. Will you please take this through to the table for me?”
“What can I do?” Mitch asked as he approached them.