Riley turned to leave the kitchen. “That would be a nice change.” Mitch, with Dylan in his arms, followed her outside.
“You’ve bought condoms?” Annie whispered as soon as they were out of ear shot.
Grinning, Craig pulled her closer. “I have. Sorry, I hadn’t realized the very talkative woman behind the till was the Carol Bingley I’ve been hearing about since Aiden arrived in Marietta.”
“Everybody in town will know what we’re going to do.”
“Then we can’t disappoint them, can we?” He chuckled before he kissed her quickly. Frowning, he looked down at her. “Are you okay with that? I’m sorry, I honestly didn’t know buying condoms was a thing.”
Annie shrugged. It was going to be a while before the rumors died down. If people knew she was sleeping with Craig, so be it. Craig was leaving soon; he wouldn’t be around to experience the gossiping mill at work. “It’s a very small town. People talk.”
“I want to kiss you, but Riley and Dylan are waiting.”
“Of course. I’ll walk you out.”
“I had quite an interesting morning,” Craig said as they walked toward the front door.
“What happened?”
“After my pharmacy stop, I had coffee in Java Café. Turns out quite a few folks around town are looking for help with marketing.”
Grinning, Annie rolled her eyes. “They do know you’re a hotshot from Portland, working with accounts from big corporations?”
“Marketing is marketing.”
“That’s simply not true and you know it. Thanks for asking Riley to help, but I really do want to pay her for her time. She’s brilliant.”
“That she is. She’s happy to help—let her?” Taking her hand, they walked down the steps toward his car.
Mitch was putting Dylan in his chair in the back while a frowning Riley was watching his every move.
Craig dropped a quick kiss on Annie’s lips. His mouth was hot, urgent, and left her breathless. His eyes had darkened. “See you tonight.”
Craig was awareof Riley’s eyes on him all the way back to Aunt Janice’s house.
As he parked the car, she touched his arm. “You falling for Annie?”
“We’re having a bit of fun, that’s all. Like me, she’s not interested in anything more permanent.” Quickly, he got out of the car to help her with Dylan.
Riley was already opening the door at Dylan’s side. “I’ve never seen you like this with anyone else.”
“I’m leaving.”
Craig picked up Dylan and headed for the front door. Talking about his feelings was so not what he was comfortable with.
Riley wasn’t finished with him yet. “So, how is this going to work? After the wedding you’ll simply go back to Portland? Will you start dating two women at a time again?”
Shrugging, he opened the front door. “Probably.”
“And what about Annie?”
Sighing, he put Dylan down. “Look, I don’t know. All I know is I want to be with her while I’m here. That’s it.”
“Who’s theheryou want to be with?” Aunt Janice asked as she approached them from the direction of the kitchen.
“He likes Annie.” Riley grinned. “But he’s still figuring out how much. Let me know if you’re struggling, I’ll tell you exactly what’s going on. Annie has announced to all this morning they’ll be spending time together.”