Until they weren’t.

The decision to date more than one person at a time had always worked for him. Everybody knew it was a fun arrangement without any expectations, one that had kept the high walls around his heart intact. Saying goodbye and walking away had never been a problem for him.

Until Annie. They hadn’t even been on a date yet, and he couldn’t keep his hands to himself when he was around her.

Saying goodbye to her was not going to be easy.

Chapter Ten

By the timeCraig, Riley, and Dylan arrived at her B and B on Monday, Annie was in a state. She’d even gone so far as to phone one of the real estate businesses in town to ask their valuation team to have a look at her house.

The email Craig had forwarded yesterday, had her just about hyperventilating when she’d read the suggestions. There was no way she could do any of this. Selling the place sounded infinitely easier than trying all the stuff the email listed.

Know your followers, he’d said. But how could she know who her followers were if she didn’t have any? Pick a platform, was another idea but she’d never been on any social media, so she had no idea what to pick. Sharing her every waking moment with perfect strangers had never sounded like any fun to her. Apparently, there was also a “seven and one” rule when it came to advertising her B and B. She couldn’t simply market her services over and over, she had to write posts that were relevant and beneficial and, oh, also interesting to her customers before she could post one advertisement.

What would she write about? The only thing consuming her thoughts at the moment was Craig O’Sullivan. Probably not a topic to discuss on social media.

Annie hugged Riley. “I’m so glad you’re here, although I have to warn you, this may all be in vain. I’m thinking of selling the place.” Crouching down, she smiled at Riley’s little boy who was hiding behind his mother’s legs. “Hi, Dylan, I’m so glad to meet you.” She held out her hand.

Shyly, the little boy took her hand, but disappeared behind his mom’s legs again.

“Why do you want to sell?” Craig asked as she stood up. “Haven’t you recently spent a lot of money converting it to exactly what you want?”

“Yes, but the last email you’ve forwarded just about broke my spirit.” She opened the door wider. “Sorry, come on in. I’ve made croissants.”

They walked through to the kitchen where Vivian was with her mug of coffee.

“Riley!” She smiled and hugged her soon to be sister-in-law. “I’m on my way to the hospital, but I hope we can catch up tonight?” She bent down to talk to Dylan.

“Yes, please, Riley,” said Annie. “Come for dinner and do bring Janice along, she hasn’t visited in a while.”

“Sounds great,” Riley said. “How have you been?” she asked Vivian and the two of them with Dylan tagging along, moved to the other side of the kitchen.

“What about me?” Craig asked, touching Annie’s hand.

“What do you mean?” Annie asked as Craig laced his fingers with hers.

“Am I also invited to dinner?”

“Of course, you are. But, Craig, I’m serious. I don’t know if I can do this marketing thing. Maybe I have to make peace with the fact that I don’t have what it takes to run a B and B. I like talking to people face-to-face. I want to cook for them, make them feel welcome. But doing all that stuff mentioned in the email you’ve forwarded…” She groaned. “I’m not good at that!”

“Annie, baby, breathe.” Pulling out a chair, he gently pushed her down. “Inhale, exhale, come on…” he murmured, sitting down on another chair close to her.

Looking up at him, she concentrated on her breathing for a few minutes.

“There we go,” he crooned, tucking her hair behind her ear. “At least you have your color back again. For a minute there, I was worried you’ll keel over.”

“I can’t do this, Craig,” she cried out softly.

“Of course, you can,” he said gently, taking her hand again and cupping her face with his other hand. “You’re so strong, I’m in awe of you. We’ll take it one step at a time. Riley is here, we’ll do the photos today and tomorrow. As soon as they are up on your website, we can try one or two more things. You don’t have to do it all. That email I’ve forwarded are suggestions, that’s all. The few tweaks we’ve made to your website have already generated interest.”

“What you’ve done are more than meretweaks. I’m hopeless with that stuff.”

“For the next two weeks, I’m here and I’ll help. Can I now please get an Annie-smile?”

Smiling tremulously, she looked at him.

His eyes darkened. “Damn, I love your smile. Only now I want to kiss you,” he whispered.