Annie’s scent was still with him, though, dogging every step of his six-mile run. Damn, the woman was driving him crazy.

Before he could touch the door, it flew open. Aunt Janice stepped out, smiling broadly.

“Well, I’ve just heard the best news. Annie has guests for the spring festival.” She hugged Craig. “Thank you so much. I’m so glad you’ve agreed to help her. I just knew you would know exactly what to do. Where have you been?”

“I’ve been for a run. When did you hear that? Have you spoken to Annie?”

“No, Carol Bingley heard Annie telling someone in the pharmacy and then of course she phoned Betty, the police dispatcher, who in turn knew about…”

Craig shook his head. “So, Annie having guests is the talk of the town?”

His aunt grinned. “It’s a small town. I’m just so happy for her. Now we just have to find her a nice, steady husband. I’ve really hoped she’d like Hunter, but that hasn’t worked out.” Her eyes widened. “You know, Marcus Baker, the science teacher at our school has been asking about Annie for some time. I’ll have to see what Annie says about him. She hasn’t dated at all since they’ve moved here. Understandably, after what has happened to her. All three of those kids are also still hurting because of the way their parents have died. Annie deserves the best, don’t you think?”

He nodded. His aunt was right, but he didn’t want to think about Annie dating anybody else. “She does, I agree. Please excuse me, Aunt Janice, I need a shower.” Turning away, he walked toward his room. His body was still on fire for Annie, but she wanted to think. About what, exactly? They both knew exactly what they wanted and what they wanted was each other. What the hell else was there to think about?

Closing his bedroom door, he checked his phone. His heart kicked against his ribs. Annie had sent a message. But all the message conveyed was to thank him and tell him she had guests for the spring festival.

Peeved, he headed for the bathroom. At least it seemed he could be of some use to Miss Annie.

Minutes later, he had a plan. She hadn’t said she didn’t want to see him. She just needed time to think about his proposal. Grinning, he got rid of his clothes. He would just have to make sure she didn’t forget all about him.

Chapter Nine

By Sunday night,Annie was ready to throttle Craig. Not only had he showed up at the pizza parlor while she and her brother had lunch there, he’d also casually strolled into the diner while she was having lunch with Vivian, taking a seat right next to their table and flirting with the waitress. Each time, he’d interrupted them with a big smile before he’d taken his seat at another table.

And lo and behold, here he was again, innocently taking his aunt to dinner. How did he know where she was every time?

Aiden had insisted on taking them all to dinner tonight at the Graff Hotel. Annie had to rest before the rush of guests would arrive next weekend, he’d said. They’d only decided this morning, so how could Craig know she’d be here?

Aiden looked up, saw them, and got up. “Aunt Janice, Craig—how lovely to see you. Join us?”

Aunt Janice smiled broadly. “If you’re sure you don’t mind?”

“Of course not,” Vivian said, getting up as well to hug Janice and Craig.

“Seriously,” Mitch mumbled below his breath but he also got up to hug Aunt Janice and shook hands with Craig.

Annie had no choice but to also get up and greet them. She hugged Janice, but only smiled vaguely in Craig’s direction. When they’d all taken their seats, Craig was sitting directly opposite her.

By the time the waiter came to whisk their plates away, Annie was so ready to go home. Her neck was strained from trying not to look at Craig, a very difficult task seeing as her eyes seemed to have developed a will of their own and all they wanted was to look at Craig.

Thank goodness for Janice. She’d kept the conversation going. Mitch had been silently glaring in Craig’s direction all night and Craig had not once taken his eyes off of Annie.

Again, her eyes turned to Craig. This time, though, he wasn’t looking at her as he’d been doing all night. He was looking at his phone, frowning. He looked upset, or was it just her imagination?

Craig got up quickly. “Aunt Janice, are you ready to go?”

Looking slightly baffled, Janice picked up her back. “Of course, my dear.”

Dropping way too many bills on the table, Craig walked around the table to help up his aunt.

“Thanks, coz,” he said to Aiden and, without looking at Annie again, he and Janice left the restaurant.

Aiden stood standing, staring after them. “Something has upset him.”

“You want to go and talk to him?” Vivian asked.

Aiden sat down. “He’ll talk when he’s ready. Anyone want anything else?”