“He’s coming here this morning to discuss my website.”
Grinning, Vivian gave her a little push. “Ah. Now it all makes sense. Tell you what—why don’t you go and clean up and I’ll try my hand at the scones. I don’t have to be at the hospital before ten this morning. I’m no cook as you know, but I think this morning I have a better chance of making scones than you. Go on.”
Upset, angry, and irritable, Annie stomped off. At this rate, it was probably a good thing she didn’t have any guests—she couldn’t even manage something as simple as a scone.
Way too early,Craig parked his car in front of Annie’s. He’d said ten and it was half an hour earlier, but he’d been awake since… Well, the truth was, he hadn’t really slept. The image of midnight-black sheets and Annie’s long legs had kept him awake.
At around five this morning, he’d finally given up and pulled his laptop closer. At least now he had a simple marketing plan for Annie, one that mainly improved on her website so that she could get more traffic.
He’d also phoned Riley this morning to ask if it was possible for her to arrive a few days before the wedding so she could take some new photographs for Annie’s website. Riley was thrilled with the idea and eager to help Annie. She’d finished with the works she wanted for her exhibition and she and Dylan would probably arrive in Marietta by Monday. He couldn’t wait to see the little guy. At three, Dylan had already managed to wrap his mother and everyone else he came into contact with around his little finger.
The front door opened, Mitch stepped out. He was dressed in a tracksuit, clearly on his way somewhere. Great—at least the brother wouldn’t be around this morning.
Cussing beneath his breath, Craig opened the door. The previous time he was here, Mitch had been this nice guy, only growling at Aiden. Now it seemed he’d switched his attention and his wrath on to Craig. Grabbing his laptop, he got out of his car as Mitch approached him.
“O’Sullivan.” His eyes fell on the laptop. “You’re here to help Annie?”
“I am.”
Mitch’s frown deepened. “She’s burned the scones this morning.”
Not quite sure what he was supposed to say, Craig kept his face expressionless. “Does that happen often?”
“Never. So, I want to know if helping Annie with her marketing is the only reason you’re here?”
Craig looked away, up at Copper Mountain standing guard over the town. “I’m leaving after the wedding.”
“That’s not an answer.”
Closing the car door, Craig took a step in the direction of the front door. “That’s my answer.” Without glancing in Mitch’s direction again, he walked farther down the corridor.
Behind him, Mitch cussed, mumbling something aboutbloody Irishmenbefore he stomped off.
Lifting his hand to ring the bell, Craig frowned.What’s up with the brother? It’s not as if I have the hots for Annie…
He dropped his hand quickly. Of course, he damn well had the hots for Annie. That was the freaking problem. She was beautiful and sweet and honest and he had no business flirting with her and kissing her, let alone propositioning her. Instead, he should encourage her to date that guy she’d been with last night. Annie needed someone for the long haul, not someone like him who knew he wasn’t ever getting married.
The proposition he’d had in mind, the one that had nothing to do with any marketing and everything to do with letting Annie kiss him again, should be parked, moved off the table, and out of his mind.
Inhaling deeply, he pressed the bell. Problem was, Annie could never be just another pretty woman he’d flirted with. Truth be told, he was getting worried saying goodbye to her might be way harder than he’d thought.
What he should try and remember was he was here to help her with marketing. Although the plan he’d come up with was a far cry from what he and his team usually did for the big accounts they handled back in Portland, he’d really enjoyed thinking about ways to get a small B and B like Annie’s on the map.
The door opened. A grinning Vivian invited him in. “Come on in. Annie will be down shortly.”
“I’m a bit early.”
Vivian led the way to the kitchen. “Annie was ready but then, strangely enough, there were several incidents with the scones this morning. Her scones are to die for and flop-proof, but, for some or other reason, she’s burned the first batch and the second ended up over her feet. So this morning you have the privilege of eating scones I’ve made. Coffee?”
“Thanks, but I’ll wait for Annie.”
“I’m here,” a soft voice said from behind him.
And there she was—dressed in jeans and a soft lilac top that seemed to bring out her brown eyes. She just about took his breath away. All his resolve to keep his visit strictly business flew out of the window into the glorious morning outside.
“I’m on my way to the hospital.” Vivian smiled. “You two have the whole house to yourselves for the rest of the day. Mitch is at school, he’s starting early with his cross-country team.” With a wave and a smile, she left.