Inhaling deeply, he forced himself to look at his aunt. “I’m fine.”
“Something has upset you…” She turned her head just as Annie and her date passed their table.
Annie faltered and stopped as she saw him. Wide brown eyes met his before she turned to this aunt. “Janice! So nice to see you.”
Craig stood up.
“Hi, Annie,” his aunt said. “I didn’t know you and Hunter were dating. Hi, Hunter. You should hold on to this one—she cooks like an angel.”
Hunter took Annie’s elbow. “I intend to.”
“No, we’re not dating,” Annie interjected. “We’re having dinner. Um… Hunter, this is Craig O’Sullivan, Janice’s godson. Craig, Hunter Grant.”
Craig wasn’t even going to acknowledge the guy who was all over Annie, but when the man smiled and held out his hand, he had no choice but to greet him. Hunter managed not to wince, but the glint in his eye confirmed he’d received the not so subtle message Craig had conveyed with a very firm shake.
“Enjoy your dinner, excuse us,” Hunter said, taking Annie’s hand as they walked away.
“Uh… Craig? Everything okay?” his aunt asked.
Only then he realized he was still standing. For the first time, he also became aware of the curious glances from the other patrons. Quickly, he sat down.
His aunt chuckled. “The woman sitting at the table to your right is Carol Bingley, the town gossip. I bet you before midnight, the whole town will know about you and Hunter Grant fighting over Annie.”
“I wasn’t fighting over Annie.” He scowled, only realizing how loudly he’d spoken when a few heads turned their way.
His aunt lifted her glass, eyes twinkling. “No? Well, from where I sat, I’d say the lines were drawn.”
Craig tried to breathe but a band had tightened around his chest and getting enough oxygen into his lungs was difficult.
Chapter Six
Hunter was talkingbut there was such a loud noise in Annie’s ears, she couldn’t hear what he was saying. Why in the world would Craig pick the same restaurant and same time to eat at Rocco’s Italian restaurant? Had he heard about her date with Hunter?
The waiter arrived and Annie forced herself to focus on the menu. She was trying to read the words in front of her, but the letters kept moving around, making it difficult to understand anything.
“Annie?” Hunter asked. “Shall I order a bottle of wine? What do you prefer?”
“Why don’t you order?” she smiled.
“Beer?” he asked.
She hated beer, but she smiled and nodded. Hunter was a very nice guy, attractive, attentive, everything she liked and admired in a man but… since he’d picked her up, there hadn’t been the remotest sign of beading anywhere on her body.
He was obviously a tactile person and kept finding ways to touch her, and although it was very sweet and felt nice to be admired, her hormones were unimpressed.
Her eyes kept straying to the table where Craig and Janice were enjoying their meal. Janice was sitting with her back toward them, but Craig was facing her and the table where Annie and Hunter were sitting. When next her eyes turned their way, he was taking a sip of his wine. A pair of dark blue eyes met hers.
The waiter was back with their beers.
“What would you like to order?” Hunter asked.
“What do you recommend?” she asked the waiter. She wasn’t even going to try and read the food menu, there was no way she could focus on words at the moment.
The waiter explained about pizza and when she heardbacon and cheese, she nodded. “That sounds great, thank you.”
Smiling, Hunter handed the menus to the waiter. “Make that two. A woman after my own heart.”
As the waiter moved away, he picked up Annie’s hand. “You want to tell me why Janice’s godson was ready to slug me?” Bringing her hand up to his mouth, Hunter kissed her hand.