“I don’t think…” she began but he was already bending his head. “No hands, promise.” And dropping his hands to his sides, he proceeded to kiss her senseless, yet again.

By the time he finally lifted his head, they were both breathing heavily.

“Saturday?” he asked.

Unable to speak, she put out a hand to steady herself against the wall and nodded.

Taking her hand, he opened the door. “Walk me to the front door?”

Threading his fingers through hers, they silently walked toward the front door.

Craig opened it. “Don’t come out, it’s cold. Saturday? What time?”


He nodded and lifting their hands, pressed a kiss on hers before he quickly walked out on to the porch. He stopped and turned, half a smile on his face. “The sexy Irishman you were talking about when I found you in your hammock—is it me?”

“What do you think?”

Exhaling slowly, he gave her one of his killer smiles. “I had to make sure.” With a small wave, he jogged down the stairs to his car.

Annie watched him until the taillights disappeared. Only then did she closed the door, dropping her forehead against the wood.

If she wasn’t mistaken, she was in deep trouble.


When she finallygot into bed half an hour later, her phone bleeped. It was Craig.

Remember details for website.

While she was reading this, another message popped up.

Thanks for the meal.

Seconds later, another one.

I like kissing you.

She quickly sent him the login details for her website. Three dots appeared, disappeared. Finally, another message appeared.

Nothing else?

Groaning out loud, she stared at the small screen. What would happen if she were to message him all the confusing thoughts running through her mind?I love kissing you, I love being in your arms, I love spending time with you, you make me smile, you make me… happy.Here she was, grinning like a fool.


Three dots appeared, disappeared. Nothing. Just as she was putting her phone down, it bleeped again.

Minutes later, she was lying down, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling, a stupid grin on her face. She wasn’t going to sleep a wink tonight.

Chapter Five

Craig was workingon his computer in the kitchen late Friday afternoon when Janice rushed in, out of breath. “Craig, sweetie, it’s so nice to have you here. I was just wondering, why don’t we go out to dinner? Marietta is, of course, not the city, but we do have a few places serving lovely food.”

Getting up, he stretched. “Good idea. I’ve been sitting here since this morning.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be taking a break?”