Annie tried tokeep her eyes on Craig, but desire built again quickly, blurring her vision. Sensation after delicious sensation broke over her. The sound of neighbors going about their nightly routines was far away. Within the cocoon she and Craig had created, she barely registered anything else. Seeped in his scent, all she could hear was their labored breathing, all she could feel was his body moving inside her, taking her higher and higher up a steep mountain.

Fighting back the mists, she opened her eyes. All their walls were down, the hurt healed. She wanted to savor this moment they became one. His head was thrown back as he rode with her, faster and faster until a red haze again blurred her vision and she surrendered.

Hearing Craig shouting out her name, finally sent her over the cliff as she pulled him close to her. She’d never been so vulnerable, never felt so beautiful, never been so strong.


“Why are yousneaking out of the house?”

Craig’s hand was on the front doorknob. Cussing softly, he turned around to face Vivian. He’d hoped everyone was still asleep.

Vivian was coming down the stairs, hand on hip, glaring at him. “I’m waiting for your answer. And it better be a damn good one. You’ve been with Annie.”

“Exactly. I love her. Which is why—”

Inhaling sharply, Vivian walked right up to him. “If you’re telling me you have to go because you love her, I’m going to clobber you.”

“Which is why I have to go to Bozeman.”


“It’s a surprise.”

“For Annie?”


“You really love her?”

He couldn’t help the smile if he’d tried. “I do.”

“And that’s why you have to go to Bozeman?”


She exhaled slowly. “Do you need my help?”

“I’ve got this. I know Annie.”

Finally grinning, she threw her arms around his neck. “I’m so happy for you two.”

“Why are my soon-to-be wife’s arms around my cousin?” Aiden asked as he came jogging down the steps.

Vivian clapped her hands. “He loves Annie.”

Chuckling, Aiden slapped him on the shoulder. “I could’ve told you that days ago. So where are you off to?”


Aiden stared at him. “To Bozeman to…” And then he smiled. “Of course. Glad you saw the light. Care for some company?”

“Yeah, that would be great.”

“You’ve told Annie where you’re off to?” Vivian asked.

“Well, no. She’s still sleeping. Besides, I don’t want to spoil the surprise.”

“She’s going to wake up and you won’t be there.”