“Don’t have them yet.”
“Okay. Wanna come in?”
“If I do, I won’t be leaving. Ever.”
“Why?” Those gorgeous brown eyes weren’t giving him an out.
Slowly, he took his hands out of his pockets and cupped her face. “Because, beautiful Annie, you and me? It’s a forever kind of thing. It’s always been you, long before I’ve even met you.”
“Why?” she persisted.
And, finally, he knew what she wanted to hear. “Because I love that you love cooking and making people happy. Because I love your smile, because I love how you say everything you’re thinking, because I love that you get me, but mostly, Annie, because I love you.”
A beautiful smile lit up her face. “Oh, that is so corny, but I love it.”
Laughing out loud, he picked her up. “And I love how you make me laugh.” With long strides, he walked toward the front door.
Annie’s arms circled his neck. “I love you, too.”
“I know.”
Gasping, she lifted her head. “How could you know?”
“You wouldn’t have made love with me if you hadn’t loved me. And you told me I was breaking your heart. Stupidly, it took me a few days to figure out what that meant.”
Sighing, she rested her head against his shoulder again. “You know me so well.”
“Is the door locked or…”
The front door flew open. Mitch stood there, hands on hips, his eyes slits, his nostrils flaring. Seriously. The brother. But, okay, this was as good a time to deal with him and tell him what was going you. “Mitch, good to see you. I’d like to stay and chat, but as you can see, I’ve got my hands full.” He tried to move past Mitch, but he should’ve known he wasn’t going to get off so easily.
“Not so quick, O’Sullivan. What are you doing with my sister?”
Grinning, Craig looked down at Annie. “I don’t think you want to know. But…” he added just before Mitch exploded, “I love her and I never want to be without her again.”
Mitch exhaled slowly. “Well, hell. I don’t know if I like it.”
“Too bad. I’m not going anywhere.”
After several tense seconds, Mitch looked at Annie. “This what you want?”
“I love him. So, yes, this is exactly what I want.”
Mitch’s eyes were on Craig again. “But I’ll be watching you. You make her cry, just once and…”
“I’ll probably screw up once in a while, but it won’t be because I don’t love her.”
Mitch began to turn away, but Annie grabbed his arm. “And just so you know, you don’t have to go anywhere. This is your house as well.”
Mitch shook his head. “Thanks, sis, but I’ve been looking around and I think I’ve found a place.” He pinned Craig down with a stare. “Quite close by, so I can keep an eye on you O’Sullivans.” And still muttering, Mitch turned and stomped away.
“Your room?” he asked. “I love holding you like this, but I am thirty-six, you know.”
“I’ll keep you young, don’t worry.” Annie laughed. “Up the stairs to the right. And it’s our room now.”