“Craig?” a voice said from somewhere far away. “I didn’t know you were here. When did you arrive in Marietta?”
With a last smoldering look at her, Craig turned around. “Hi, Aiden.”
Smoldering? There was no smoldering. What was she thinking? While the cousins were talking, she quickly looked down at her boobs.Oh, my goodness, what’s up with the beading?To make it worse, the extra top wasn’t helping to cover it up. Why was she still stuck on the freaking word? Surely there were other ways to describe what was happening. Nipples hardened and… For the life of her, she couldn’t think of another expression.
Flustered, she turned around and reached for the kettle. Turning on the tap, she began to fill it with water. Why was she still thinking about her boobs? Maybe because they felt strangely heavy?
“Um, Annie?”
She looked up to see Vivian looking strangely at her. “What?”
Grinning, Vivian looked down. “I don’t think the kettle needs more water.”
Annie looked down to see the kettle filled to the brim.
“Why don’t you sit down, I’ll make tea?” Vivian said, clearly amused.
Annie ignored her sister’s grin. “I’ll make the tea. You can get the cups. Who wants tea?”
Aiden pulled out a chair. “Thanks, Annie. That sounds great. Craig?”
“Yes, please.”
Annie didn’t turn around but heard another chair being pulled out. She was being absurd. Rinsing the teapot, she took a few deep breaths before she measured out the tea to put in the pot. The normal, everyday task managed to calm her down. Somewhat.
“I’m very happy to see you,” Aiden was saying to Craig, “but I can’t believe you’ve actually left your office.”
“Aunt Janice asked. Said she needed help with the wedding.”
“Really?” Aiden asked and looked at his fiancé. “Vivian? Do you know with what she still needs help? The hotel does most of it, there really isn’t that much to do. She could’ve asked me, I’m not sure… except…” Laughing, he slapped Craig on the shoulder. “You know what I think?”
“What?” Craig asked.
The tea was made and Annie finally felt comfortable enough to turn around. Vivian had also taken a seat next to Aiden.
“You don’t think she’s trying out her matchmaking skills again?” Aiden asked. “She’s still denying it, but I still think the reason she’d invited me here was so that I could meet Vivian. You remember what she used to say? ‘When you’re Irish, matchmaking was a skill you were born with.’ Not that I’m complaining, mind you, but I’m still pretty sure my meeting Vivian was her idea. Has she mentioned any women she wanted to introduce you to?”
Craig met Annie’s eyes. “She said Annie wanted to talk to me but…”
Annie put down the teapot. This was getting more bizarre by the minute. “She is trying to help me. That’s all. I’m not a candidate for any matchmaker.”
“Help you, how?” Vivian asked.
“With marketing the B and B. She suggested I should get Craig to help me.”
Vivian’s eyes were twinkling. “Oh, yeah, it definitely sounds as if she’s only trying to help you.” Before Annie could stop her sister, she turned toward Craig. “So how about it, Craig? Can you help Annie?”
“Don’t be silly. Craig can’t—”
“I’m happy to help,” Craig interrupted. “But Annie thinks I’m too…”
Blue eyes met hers and she inhaled sharply. Surely, he wasn’t going to tell everyone she’d called him sexy?
“I can’t remember the word she used but she thinks I’m too…” Craig continued.
“Busy,” she quickly interjected. “He’s from a big firm in Portland. I have a small B and B. It’s so not what he does.”
“Well, he’s here for the next two weeks,” Vivian said, her eyes full of mirth. “You should use him.”