“What the hell is going on here?” Mitch’s voice thundered close by.
Grimacing, Craig sat back in his chair.
Annie tried to pull her hand out of Craig’s, but he wouldn’t let go.
“Oh, yes, the angry brother.” Riley chuckled as she and Vivian approached the table. “I’ve forgotten all about him. Haven’t eaten yet? Or is this your normal morning routine?”
Mitch’s eyes narrowed. “Riley. Didn’t know you were here.”
“Annie,” asked Riley, her eyes still on Mitch, “do you want Mitch in any of the photos?”
“I don’t know,” Annie said. “Mitch?”
“It’s Annie’s house,” Mitch growled. “I’m just here temporarily.”
“Good,” said Riley drily. “I don’t know if being angry is your normal expression, it’s the only one I’ve seen so far, but it’s not a look beneficial to generate traffic to Annie’s website or her B and B.”
For a moment, Annie was worried Mitch was going to explode.
“Why is the man yelling, Mommy?” Dylan whispered loud enough for all to hear.
Mitch inhaled slowly and, with a glare in Craig’s direction, he walked toward Dylan. Crouching down in front of the little boy, he held out his hand. “I’m sorry I yelled. Your uncle Craig is holding my sister’s hand and I want to know why.”
Dylan peered around Mitch to look at them. “Have you asked him?”
Everyone laughed and Mitch stood up. “Good idea. Why are you holding my sister’s hand, O’Sullivan?”
“Because I like it,” Craig said.
“If you mess with her…” he began but at that moment, Aiden strolled in.
“Why is Mitch bellowing again?” Aiden asked no one in particular.
“Your damn cousin,” Mitch got out.
“Language,” Riley said mildly.
Pulling her hand from Craig’s, Annie jumped up. “Seriously, Mitch. Relax. Craig is helping me with my website.” Looking at Craig, she inhaled. She hadn’t wanted to have to explain anything to anyone, but Mitch’s behavior is driving her nuts. “Craig’s here for another two weeks, during which time he’ll be helping me. We’ve also decided to spend time together so you’ll have to get used to Craig being around.”
Mitch began to splutter, Vivian and Aiden’s eyes widened, and Riley laughed as she clapped her hands.
Annie ignored them all. “Neither one of us is interested in anything more than having fun, though. So Mitch, please relax and stop looking daggers at Craig. Riley, I’m ready if you want to start. But please—we could always do later today if you need to rest?”
Opening her camera bag, Riley grinned. “I’m fine.”
The doorbell rang.
Riley put up her hand. “That would be the makeup artist and hairdresser. I took the liberty of contacting the local florist, Risa Davison to ask whom she’d recommend. She remembered Aiden—the guy who had to buy flowers for two women to apologize.” She chuckled. “Annie, I hope you don’t mind? You’re, of course, beautiful just as you are but for photographs you’ll need more makeup.”
“Of course not.” Flustered, Annie opened a cupboard and got out some toys that had belonged to her and Mitch and Vivian as well as new ones she’d bought for the children of all those hordes of visitors she was going to have.
As usual, she’d combed her hair and put on lipstick this morning. During the day she didn’t bother with makeup, really, her kitchen didn’t mind. However, Riley obviously didn’t think she was B and B advertising material.
“I’m out of here,” Mitch mumbled.
“So am I.” Vivian smiled as she grabbed Aiden’s hand. “Walk with me?”
Someone touched Annie’s shoulder. Craig. She didn’t have to turn around to know it was him. Every delicious chill sliding down her spine was telling her.