Annie lifted her head, her breath coming out in gasps. With her eyes on Craig, she inhaled deeply. “Yeah, it’s me!” she called, grateful her voice was working.

“You’d better go,” she said.

He looked down. “You said no hands.”

Quickly she dropped her arms. “I… you… sorry.”

His smiled nearly buckled her knees. “I’m not. I like kissing you. I like your hands on me. I like my hands on you…” And without taking his eyes from her, he cupped one of her breasts.

“Craig…” she got out.

From above, they heard footsteps approaching the top of the stairs and she just about pushed Craig out of the door.

Craig stepped outside and she began closing the door.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Dream of me?” Craig asked.

Still trying to catch her breath, she frowned. “That’s part of the problem. I have these X-rated dreams with you in them…”

“Annie?” Mitch asked, much closer now and she quickly closed the door.

“Was that the cowboy?”

“We had a very nice dinner,” Annie said. Not quite answering Mitch’s question wasn’t lying.

“I’m glad. I’d like to meet him next time.”

She shrugged. “I don’t think there’ll be a next time.”

“Oh? Any particular reason? Or should I ask—any particular other person?”

Brushing past him, she took the stairs two at a time to the upper level. “Good night, Mitch.”

“Tell that Irishman I’m watching him!” Mitch called out as she disappeared into her room.

She dearly loved her siblings and adored her brother, but seriously, he didn’t have to be quite so… so… With a sigh, she sat on her bad. Caring was the word she was looking for. And she loved the fact that Mitch cared enough.

Her phone bleeped. A text from Craig. Her heart flipped, her blood heated, the butterflies moved. Pressing her hand against her tummy, she picked up her phone and opened the message.

Any particular X-rated dream you’d cared to share?

Her body still humming, Annie sent a text.


Craig sat onhis bed, staring at his phone. He’d jogged the short distance back to his aunt’s house. He was on fire for Annie and definitely needed a cold shower. Telling him she was having X-rated dreams about him—how was he supposed to sleep knowing that?

He loved the way Annie blurted out her feelings. She was a straight shooter, no coy innuendos, she told it like it was. What was happening between them was clearly as inconvenient for her as it was for him, but she didn’t hold back, told him what he made her feel. And that… Inhaling deeply, he chuckled. That was just about the sexiest thing about her. Except for those legs that seemed to go on forever or her generous, soft breasts, beading in anticipation of his touch.

Shifting on the bed, he cussed softly. Damn, he wasn’t even near the woman and she was making him all hot and bothered.

His phone bleeped.

Midnight-black sheets…

The words conjured up an immediate picture of Annie’s long legs flung over him, a black silk sheet covering her body.

Inhaling raggedly, he texted her back.We’re naked?