“He was giving me tips to improve my website. Your suggestion, remember?”

“If you say so. But if I’m not mistaken, you had the look of someone who has just been thoroughly kissed. Am I wrong?”

“It was… nothing. Just a kiss…”

“I knew it!” Vivian grinned. “So that’s why you’ve suddenly agreed to go on a date with Hunter.”

“I’ve read a murder mystery and I’m dating someone else,” Annie said.

She didn’t have to tell Vivian the book she’d read actually had many more love scenes in it than any romance she’d read. Maybe she should try science fiction. Robots or spaceships with green or blue aliens surely wouldn’t turn her on, would it?

Vivian chuckled. “My dear sister, you do have it bad, don’t you? Murder mystery? I assume you’re going on a date with Hunter because you’re hoping you’ll have the same response to his kisses that you had when Craig kissed you, but what does reading mystery novels have to do with the whole thing?”

Fortunately, a knock on the front door saved Annie from having to answer her sister.

“Hi, Hunter.” Annie smiled as she opened the door.

The tall cowboy returned her smile. “Annie. You look lovely.”

“Thank you.”

“How’s the arm?” Vivian asked as she stepped closer.

“Fine, Doc—thanks to you.”

“I’m ready,” Annie said. Hopefully, she and Hunter could leave before Mitch arrived.

“After you.” Hunter smiled and held the door for Annie. “Night, Doc.”

“Enjoy your evening!” Vivian called after them, clearly highly amused.


By half pastseven, Craig and Aunt Janice were seated at a table in Rocco’s Restaurant. It wasn’t difficult to decide what to eat—pizza seemed to be the big thing on the menu. The Tuscan landscapes covering the faux plaster walls and the red-and-white checked cloths were clearly meant to create an Italian look.

They placed their order of pizza and some chianti on Aunt Janice’s insistence. A few more customers entered, all greeting Aunt Janice and asking to be introduced to him. The waiter brought the bottle of wine.

“You seem to be happy here, Aunt Janice.” He smiled and lifted his glass.

His aunt nodded. “I am. When you all left home and started your own lives, I knew it was time for me to let you go. It’s not that easy, though, and I’d hoped moving far away would give you all enough breathing space. I’ve missed you all terribly, though. I was so glad when Aiden finally accepted my invitation to come and visit. And here you are as well.”

“And now Aiden is getting married and settling down in Marietta.” Craig chuckled. “Close to you.”

“I couldn’t be happier.”

“You do know none of us minded having you close by. You were there when we needed you most. We’ll never forget that. The way you stepped in when first Aiden and Riley’s dad passed and then their mom… we owe you big-time.”

“You were the one who kept Aiden and Riley going. You were there when Riley was left at the altar…”

“We both were. I still feel I should’ve voiced my concerns about the idiot she’d wanted to marry sooner.”

“Things happen for a reason. You know how firmly I believe that. There are better things waiting for both you and Riley—if, of course, you have the courage to grab all the chances you get with both hands. But I want to talk about you, Craig. For so long, you’ve been looking out for Aiden and Riley, but what about you? You have to make time for love, sweetheart. You think there is time, but there isn’t, trust me, I know.”

He was about to ask his aunt what she meant when a movement from the door had him turn his head. And there she was. Annie. The woman he’d been dreaming about last night and who had been on his mind the whole day. He was getting ready to stand up to greet her when he noticed the tall guy with her. Her date. Of course. Hadn’t he been the one who’d told her to go on a date?

The man had his hand at Annie’s back and was laughing down at her.

“Craig?” Aunt Janice asked, putting a hand on his arm. “Are you okay? You look ready to explode.”