His sister replied but a noise behind him made him turn around quickly. There it was again. Someone was knocking softly on the front door.
“Someone is knocking on the door. Thanks for calling, sis. We’ll talk again soon.”
As Riley said goodbye, he made his way to the front door, as quickly as his foot allowed him. Switching on the porch light, he opened the door.
He did a double-take. Dr. Vivian Miller was standing in front of him. He blinked, but when he opened his eyes, she was still there. She looked different, though. Still no makeup, but the tight bun was gone. Instead, golden-blond curls fell over her shoulders and down her back. Dressed in jeans and a soft, blue sweater, matching the blue of her eyes, she just about took his breath away.
“Doctor…” His voice was strangely husky; he had to clear his throat before he could continue to speak. “Doctor Miller?”
Fidgeting with her bag, she was noticeably uneasy. “Vivian, please. Look, I’m sorry about earlier. I was… I thought you were a little boy, and I was probably rude.”
So, the ice-cold Doctor Miller did have a heart somewhere. Enjoying her discomfort, he leaned against the door frame for a moment, ignoring the cold. “Probably?”
She lifted her chin. “May I come in, please? It’s bitterly cold, if you haven’t noticed. I’ve brought you some Tylenol and a gel that will help relieve the pain. And could you… would you mind…” Inhaling, she stomped into the house. “Please put on a damn shirt.”
Ignoring Aiden’s cockygrin, Vivian walked past down the short corridor. The light in the kitchen was on, and without looking at him again, she headed that way, her heart pounding in her ears.
Seeing an attractive man in the ER was one thing; seeing him only wearing running shorts riding low on his hips, his broad, muscled, naked upper body inches from her eyes, quite another. She’d examine his foot in the kitchen. It was infinitely better than the bathroom or, heaven forbid, the bedroom.
When she turned around, Aiden was back. He was still barefoot and in a pair of shorts, but at least he was now wearing a T-shirt. Thank goodness. It didn’t quite hide his wide shoulders or his muscled torso, and she could still see his chiseled six pack in her mind’s eye—something that was going to be difficult to forget—but at least he wasn’t naked.
Pictures of his perfectly sculpted upper body flashed before her eyes. Oh, damn. Quickly, she put her bag on the kitchen table. With unsteady fingers, she tried to open it. It was the easiest thing and she’d it done so many times before, but her fingers seemed unable to perform the simple task.
Two big, tanned hands appeared. “Let me try?”
She quickly pulled hers away but not before they touched his. Like earlier today, the air crackled and sparked where their hands had touched.
“It’s the weirdest thing,” he muttered. “Has it ever happened to you before?”
She looked up. When had he moved so close to her? His eyes were something else. Not quite blue like she’d thought before, more aqua—blue with a touch of green. Piercing, looking right into her soul.
“Vivian…” His voice finally penetrated her crazy thoughts.
Quickly she looked down. He’d opened the bag. She found the gel she’d brought. “Please sit down.”
“I’ll be fine. Just give me the gel and pills, and you can be on your way.”
“I’d prefer it if I can examine the foot for myself. You should’ve had X-rays…”
“It was clear you didn’t think it necessary.”
“I’m sorry about that. Please sit down?”
Only after he’d dropped down on one of the chairs, did she realize her dilemma. She’d have to kneel or crouch in front of him if she wanted to examine his foot.
As if reading her thoughts, he lifted his leg so that it was resting on the table. Trying to focus on the foot, and not think about the way the muscles moved on his calf or notice the way his shorts had ridden up his thigh, took all of her self-control. What had she been thinking? She could’ve asked the pharmacy to deliver the pills and gel tomorrow; there had been no need for her to come here tonight.
Trying her best to concentrate on the task at hand, she gently touched the slight swelling on his foot. “Turn your foot that way?”
Grunting, he did as she asked.
“Other side?”
He moved his foot but inhaled sharply.
“Oh, come on, don’t be such a baby. It’s just a sprain. I’ll put on some gel and a bandage. Take some Tylenol and keep the foot elevated tonight. It should be much better by tomorrow.”