“There seems to be a problem ahead,” Riley said. She’d insisted on driving as she usually did when they needed to hurry.

“Flashing blue lights are never a good sign,” Craig said drily.

“I’ll slow down,” Riley said as they neared the scene. “But I really hope we don’t have to stop. I don’t want to miss the flight. One night without Dylan is all I can handle.”

She slowed down considerably as they drove past the scene.

“It seems those two cars have been in a collision,” Craig said, pointing toward two sedan cars on the side of the road.

“The police and the ambulance have already arrived,” Craig said. “There isn’t anything for us to do. We’d be more of a hindrance than help at this point. Step on it, Ri.”

Aiden leaned his head back against the seat. The people in those two cars were also on their way to Bozeman or even maybe to the airport. When they’d woken up this morning, they couldn’t know how their day was going to end.

The accident had happened closer to Marietta than to Bozeman. Vivian would probably be in the ER…

Rubbing his chest again, he cussed softly. He was doing the right thing. Vivian was better off without him.


“Vivian…” Annie’s voicesounded far away, but Vivian didn’t want to listen to it. She was lying in Aiden’s arms, listening to his breathing, the steady beating of his heart against her hand.

“Viv, sweetie,” the voice persisted. “Wake up, please?”

Groggily, Vivian opened one eye. “What time is it?” she got out hoarsely.

“It’s still morning; it’s half past eleven. I know you’ve just fallen asleep, but the hospital is looking for you. There’s been an accident on the I-90 toward Bozeman. They need you in the ER ASAP.”

Vivian jumped up and grabbed the T-shirt on a chair close by. “Do they know how many…” She froze. “Aiden…”

Annie nodded, her eyes big. “I know. It’s the road they would have taken to get to the airport.”

Vivian gasped, trying to breathe, but for a moment the world tilted.

“Sit down, Viv,” Annie said quickly, pushing her back down on the bed. “You’re as white as the snow outside.”

Shaking her head, Vivian got up again. “I’m on my way.”

With Annie’s help, she quickly got dressed, and as she sprinted toward her car, she texted Janice. She couldn’t talk to Aiden right now, but his aunt would know if they were okay. If he was okay. At this point, she didn’t care what anyone thought; she had to know Aiden was okay.


All three oftheir phones bleeped at the same time. Craig was the first to open the message.

“It’s Aunt Janice,” he said. Inhaling sharply, he swore under his breath. “She wants to know if we’re okay. We should’ve realized she may have heard someone was hurt on the road and thought it could be us.” He was already dialing her number.

Minutes later, they could all hear their aunt’s frantic voice. Craig had her on speakerphone. “Craig, I didn’t want to call. I was so scared something had happened to you. I heard there was accident on the I-90 and was so worried… are you all okay?”

“Yes, we are. But how did you hear about the accident? We’ve just passed it.”

“Um… Vivian sent me text. They’ve asked her to come in even though she’s taken a few days off. She was anxious to know that you’re all safe.”

Before she’d finished speaking, Aiden had taken out his phone. His hands weren’t quite steady, so it took a little longer to dial Vivian’s number. She answered immediately.

“Aiden.” He caught the catch in her voice. “You’re okay. I… I… called Janice.”

“She’s just called us. We’re fine. Two other cars were in an accident.”

“I’m at the ER waiting for the ambulance.”