When Aiden nextopened his eyes, his phone was beeping. Craig and Riley reminded him they were soon picking him up. Their plane was leaving before noon from Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport.

Vivian was gone. They’d compared their schedules and the last weekend in March could maybe work for them both and he could visit again. That was four weeks from now. How was he going to survive without her for so long?

Trying to shut off his mind, he marched to the bathroom and stepped into the shower. Minutes later, he was leaning with his hands against the tiles of the wall, trying to breathe. A tight band was gripping his chest so tightly he struggled to get oxygen into his lungs.

He shouldn’t have agreed to the long-distance thing. Vivian deserved a man who would love her unconditionally, who would help her renovate the house she wanted to buy, who would give her beautiful children. And they would be beautiful. A little girl with her momma’s blue eyes and smile and a little boy…

Cussing, he closed the tap and grabbed a towel. He was not ready to say good-bye to her. They’d only have weekends together, but he’d make sure they’d be special.


Riley and Craigwere having breakfast in the kitchen when Vivian entered. The house had been quiet when she’d returned from the hotel about an hour earlier. She’d had a shower, cried until she had no tears left, and then given herself a stern talking to.

Aiden was leaving today. It wasn’t the end of the world, though. She was going to see him again. In four weeks’ time and… trying to remember her schedule, she sighed. And probably two or three more weekends over the next nine months before Christmas.

That would have to be enough. She was going to be okay. There had been a life before Aiden; there would be one long after he’d left because the long-distance thing never really worked, did it? She was just not yet prepared to let him go after last night, she had to try and find a way they’d stay connected, even if it would be only temporary.

Annie was bustling around like she always did, but she hurried closer when she saw Vivian. “Are you okay?” she asked softly.

Pasting a smile on her face, Vivian walked toward the coffee machine. “I need coffee.”

Riley checked her watch. “I was hoping we could still see your house before we leave, Vivian?”

“It’s not yet my house, but I have the key. Of course, I can show you. There isn’t much to see at the moment, though. As I’ve mentioned, it’s—”

“Dilapidated,” Mitch said as he entered the kitchen. “And that’s being kind.”

“Ooh, now I definitely want to see it,” Riley said as she got up. “We’re ready when you are, Vivian? We can bring you back here when we’re done. I’ll send Aiden a message to say we’ll be a few minutes late.”

Vivian was in the process of putting down her mug when Riley mentioned Aiden’s name. Her hand shook, the hot coffee spilling over her fingers. She cried out from the hot coffee, from the reminder. Blindly, she turned around, opened the cold water tap, and put her hand under it.

Both Annie and Mitch were immediately there to help her. Oh, boy. If the mere mention of his name could do this to her, how would she react if she ever saw him again?

“If I get my hands on that damn Irishman, I—”

“Shush, Mitch, you’re not helping,” Annie said as she hugged Vivian.

“Are you okay?” Craig asked.

Mitch swore under his breath. “No, damn it, she’s not okay. Your freaking cousin saw to that.” Still muttering, he stomped out of the kitchen.

“Not really a morning person, is he?” Riley asked loudly.

A growl from the direction of the stairs was Mitch’s only answer.

Vivian closed the tap. “I’m fine. The coffee was just hot. Shall we go?”

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Riley asked.

“Of course. Your luggage…”

“Already in the car,” Craig said before he nodded in Annie’s direction. “Thanks for breakfast, Annie. We’ve enjoyed our stay.”

Riley stepped forward. “My cousin can be so formal. I’m going to hug you, Annie.” She smiled and opened her arms. “I slept like a baby. The first time in I don’t know how long. You have a beautiful place here; I’m going to spread the word.”

“That would be great. You’re welcome here anytime.” Annie smiled.

“I’m not missing out on a hug.” Craig grinned, pulling a wide-eyed Annie in his arms for a quick hug.