Eagerly, his mouth followed as his fingers slid down her neck, over the velvety texture of her neck to the deepVof her dress. For long moments, his lips trailed over the soft swell of her breasts, he’d been admiring all night, until she was shuddering in his arms. Only then, did he slip his fingers beneath the material so that he could touch her. Finally.
Groaning, her head fell backward, the straps of the bodice slipping down her arms, giving him access to her beautiful breasts. No bra. Desire was a hot fist threatening to cut off his oxygen. Nearly desperate, his hand closed around the fullness of her breast. A perfect fit, as if they’d been made especially for his touch.
Egged on by her urgent hands, his lips explored and nibbled as they followed the path of his hands. Her flesh was hot, nearly burning his lips as his mouth closed over a hardened nipple. Finally.
The echo of her groan zipped through his body, sending all his blood down to way below his middle.
Inhaling, he lifted his head. Her eyes were glittering feverishly; her mouth was swollen. She’d never been this beautiful. “I have to see you. How do I get you…”
Before he’d finished his sentence, the dress pooled at her feet. The only barrier left was a tiny, red satin-and-lace triangle.
Inhaling shakily, his eyes slid hungrily over her body. “You’re so, so beautiful. You’re killing me, you know that?” he whispered as his hands stroked down her sides before he cupped her breasts.
Her smile was tremulous. “You don’t think you’re a tad overdressed?” With her eyes on his, her hands pulled his shirt out of his trousers.
Fumbling, he struggled to get his shirt over his head. The burning desire to become a part of her had robbed him of all his cool moves.
When he finally managed to get rid of it, her eyes, darkened with desire, zoomed in on his naked upper body. “Oh, my,” she breathed, sending his already heated blood to nearly boiling point.
With a small smile around her mouth, she moved forward and splayed her fingers out over his body. His heart skidded to a stop before it valiantly tried to resume beating. Damn, he loved this woman.
Not something he could tell her, though. He was no good to her. Maybe if he kept telling himself that, the thought would stick. But they had tonight. There were other ways rather than talking to show her exactly how much he loved her, though—with his hands, his mouth, his body, his heart, his soul.
He wanted to savor, to linger, explore every inch of her sexy body, but his need for her was too strong, too out of control. Catching her mouth with his, he pulled her closer, his hands getting tangled up in her hair.
With infinite care,Aiden picked her up and laid her on the bed. Without taking his hot gaze off of her, he got rid of his trousers and briefs before he joined her on the bed. Vivian’s eyes widened, her breath hitched, and her body just about melted. He was gorgeous.
“We can stop any time you want.” His voice was hoarse, the hand he put on her leg not quite steady.
Lifting up her arms, inviting him closer, she smiled at him. “I don’t want to stop.”
He leaned in, her arms folded around his neck. “What do you want?” he whispered as he trailed soft butterfly kisses along her temple.
An easy one. “You. All I want is you.”
With a groan, his mouth captured hers, and within seconds, the smoldering embers in her belly caught fire, heating her blood, sending the beating of her heart into overdrive. Busy, clever hands molded and stroked and loved every inch of her body while his hot mouth was driving her slowly toward the edge if a deep ravine.
Wanting, needing more, she curved up into his touch, her nails skimming down his naked back, demanding all he had to give. She’d never wanted anyone the way she wanted this man. How did she not know it was possible to need someone’s touch this intensely?
When his hand removed the last lace-and-silk barrier, she shuddered in anticipation. Finally, his hand cupped her heat, his fingers finding the exact spot where she needed him most at the same time his lips captured hers again.
Her back arched while desire drove her closer and closer to the edge—without mercy. And then she was slipping over, falling, falling, falling. The last thing she heard was her own voice sobbing out his name.
Aiden waited untilshe opened her eyes before he hoisted himself above her. “Beautiful, that was so, so beautiful. Look at me?”
Lacing his fingers with hers, he slid into the warm heat of her body. Her flesh was smooth, hot, shuddering beneath his touch. As she closed around him, only one thought kept repeating over and over: home. This was home. He’d wanted to linger, to watch again as she crested, to make this as special for her as he possibly could, but she lifted her legs, wrapped herself around him, and he was lost.
Damn, he loved this woman. Loved? The word exploded in his mind. Yes, damn it, loved. Deeply, irrevocably, the forever kind, if he wasn’t mistaken.
Egged on by her trembling body, her stroking hands, he increased their tempo. Her eyes flashed once before she called out his name, grabbing onto his shoulders. His vision blurred as their bodies soared. His head fell backward, and with her name on his lips, they crested. Together this time.
Vivian woke upwith a start. Something was different. Slowly, she became aware of two things—she was lying on top of a very comfortable male body, and two, said male body was ready for her. Again.