“In Marietta, Montana?” Craig was clearly amused.
“There’s a Valentine’s ball coming up on the fourteenth…” Aiden began, but Craig was laughing so hard, Aiden didn’t even try to finish his sentence.
“Oh, man.” Craig chuckled. “Thanks, cuz. I needed a good laugh. But let me get this straight—my ace investigative reporter cousin is in Marietta, Montana in search of a feel-good story?”
“I don’t know what you’re laughing about; it’s not funny.”
“Does Riley know?”
“Yeah, I spoke to her yesterday. She actually picks up her phone when I call her.”
“She okay?” Craig’s voice changed.
“She will be, she said,” Aiden assured Craig quickly. His cousin worried way too much about him and Riley. “It’s much more difficult to work as a freelance fashion photographer, but fortunately, another big magazine has just asked her to do the shoot for their new spring collection.”
Ever since their dad had died while they were all still in school and then their mom had passed away a few years after that, Craig had taken on the responsibility of protecting his cousins. That he hadn’t been able to safeguard Riley from getting hurt when she’d been jilted at the altar was still something he was struggling to come to terms with.
“That’s wonderful news. I’ll drop by her place tonight. I haven’t seen her and your nephew this week; work has been crazy.”
“We should get together when I’m back.”
“What about Valentine’s Day? Or, no, wait—you have a ball to attend!”
Craig was still snickering when Aiden ended the call. He was never going to hear the end of this.
Aunt Janice’s car was approaching the building, and he hobbled forward as quickly as his ankle allowed him.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Aunt Janice smiled as they drove away from the hospital.
“Who…” The penny finally dropped. Groaning out loud, he rubbed his face. “Please don’t tell me you’re trying out your matchmaking skills again?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” his aunt said, looking hurt.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. That doctor in there—yes, she’s gorgeous and sexy and…” Cussing softly, he swallowed all the other adjectives he’d been thinking about. “The point is, there is nothing really wrong with my foot. You wasted the doctor’s time all because you were trying to set me up with her!”
“Don’t be silly, dear, you’re not her type. I merely thought you should have your ankle looked at before the weekend. I was just wondering if you also think she’s beautiful. I wanted a male perspective, see? You’re right. I am trying out my matchmaking skills, but not for you. The lovely doctor is too much woman for you, I think. She’s intelligent, independent, and certainly doesn’t need a man to fight her battles for her. Not like the women you tend to date, at all.”
“What do you mean, the kind of women I date?”
“Well, for instance, the last one I saw you with—I can’t quite remember her name. Something foreign, if memory serves me right.”
“Natasha? We didn’t date. We had dinner when we ran into you.”
“That’s what I mean. You don’t date. You don’t get serious about a woman because you don’t want to commit. The lovely Doctor Vivian Miller needs a man who isn’t afraid to share his feelings and who is willing to settle down, get married, have a couple of kids and a dog. So, where shall we have dinner? Or do you prefer to put your foot up and we’ll order in? Rocco’s Italian Restaurant makes wonderful pizzas. How does that sound?”
Not afraid to share his feelings. Aunt Janice’s words ran through his head. Feelings were messy—they made what could have been simple, complicated. She was right—he wasn’t one to talk about feelings, and yes, the mere thought of settling down, raising a couple of kids freaked him out.
“Yes, let’s order pizza. It sounds perfect. My treat.”
“A new math teacher has started at the school, and I want to introduce him to Doctor Miller, so I’m thrilled you also think she’s gorgeous and… what else did you add? Oh, yes—sexy. He’s a great guy. Handsome and…” She winked. “Also sexy. They’ll make beautiful babies. A lovely match, I think.”
Later, back in the guest room of his aunt’s house, Aiden began pacing. He was unsettled and not sure why. Could it be the mention of the new math teacher his aunt wanted to introduce to the lovely doctor? But why would that bother him? Beautiful babies. A little girl with her momma’s clear blue eyes and blond hair…
What the hell? He never thought of babies—what was happening? Maybe the bump to his foot had also affected his brain. Swearing softly, he hobbled to the bathroom. It had been an eventful day, no wonder he was feeling restless. A good night’s sleep would hopefully put all the crazy thoughts to rest.