Exactly how, she hadn’t quite figured out yet, but she had to apologize to Aiden and thank him for what he’d done. She’d already sent an email to James Webster to thank him for digging deeper into her story. As far as she knew, he hadn’t run his story yet, but it would probably happen soon.

Her bedroom door opened, and Annie twirled in, laughing, her eyes bright. “I’ve had two last minute bookings, so we’re full. And we’re going to a ball, Viv. An actual ball. It’s a good day, I’m so happy. Oh, and look at how gorgeous you look!”

“I’m looking at you. Annie, you look so beautiful in that red dress.”

Annie waved the compliment away. “Nah, I’m the nice one; you’re the pretty one.”

Vivian got hold of Annie’s hand and pulled her in front of the mirror. “Look at you. You are beautiful.”

Laughing, Annie moved away. “I feel pretty in this dress, though. Come on, grab your coat, let’s go. Mitch has already left. Go get the car; I’ve left my bag in my room.”

The Graff was a beehive of activity when they arrived a little later. As they entered, Annie grabbed Vivian’s hand. “Look at all the red hearts!” She laughed. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many in one place. And, oh, look—there’s Janice.”

A beaming Janice rushed closer. She was dressed form head to toe in red. A pair of winking cupids was dangling from her ears. “I’m so glad you’re here. You two are going to steal the show tonight—you look stunning.”

Vivian hugged her. “So do you. I owe you an apology. Several, really.”

Janice was shaking her head. “No apology needed. You were upset. I’m just so happy that horrible guy won’t be getting away with what he’s done to so many women.”

Surprised, Vivian inhaled. “What do you mean? Has James’s story been in the paper?”

Janice nodded. “In this morning’s paper in Sacramento. Apparently, the police are looking for the man who’s made your life and that of all the other women, miserable. Excuse me. I see Carol is on her way over here. Go find your table; I’ll keep her busy.”

Before they’d reached the big noticeboard with a layout of the table settings, Mitch appeared. He knew where they had to sit and escorted them across the big ballroom. There were already other couples at the table, and when Vivian, Mitch, and Annie sat down, only three other chairs were still unoccupied.

Someone tapped on a microphone, the crowd fell silent, and only Carol’s voice could still be heard.

“You too, Carol,” the voice said drily. Everybody chuckled.

When the voice continued welcoming everyone, Vivian looked around her. At the tables closest to theirs were quite a few people she’d seen in the ER at some or other point over the past year. All nodded and smiled in her direction.

When she’d agreed to accompany Mitch and Annie to this small town about twelve months ago, it was to get as far away from Sacramento as she possibly could. The fact that she wouldn’t have to see Brett Carson every day was a powerful motivation at the time. It would merely be a temporary solution while she decided what she was going to do with the rest of her life. She’d never thought she would fall in love with the town, the people, and the beautiful state of Montana.

Over the course of the past twelve months, she had met most of the people living here. She’d learned about their circumstances, their fears, their joys. Many had become friends, and each one had touched her heart in some way. Now, she couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. If only…

The first notes of a song rose up in the air, and for the first time, she noticed the band playing in the front. She knew all of the band members. They all had other jobs, but whenever they got the chance, they’d come together to make music. Around her, people were getting up from their chairs to dance.

“Oh, this is perfect.” Annie sighed. “Hopefully, all our guests will think so, too, and will be back for all the major happenings in town.”

The next moment, Mitch was scowling, looking at something or someone behind them. “What the hell is he doing here?”

Vivian’s heart simply leapt. Even before she turned around, she knew—Aiden was here.

“Good evening, everyone,” the voice she’d thought she’d never hear again was saying behind her.

Annie jumped up, smiling. “And who do we have here?” she asked as Vivian swallowed a few times before she also got up and turned around.

Next to Aiden were another man and a woman. His cousin and sister, if the color of their hair was any indication.

Chapter Fifteen

Aiden’s eyes foundVivian’s. She wasn’t scowling of frowning and actually looked happy to see him. His shoulders relaxed. Ever so slightly. “I’d like to introduce you all to my sister Riley and my cousin Craig. Riley, Craig, this is Annie who has the B and B where you’ll be staying tonight. And this is Vivian.”

Riley and Craig shook hands with Mitch and Annie before they turned to Vivian.

Craig’s eyes were twinkling when, instead of shaking her hand like he had Annie’s, he bent forward and hugged her. “Now I understand why my cousin is acting so crazily all of a sudden.” He grinned.

A smiling Riley also gave her a quick hug. “It’s so good to meet you.”