Stunned, he turned to look at her. He swore he could hear electricity crackle around them when she’d touched him. A subtle, flowery scent wafted toward him. Silky skin, soft mouth. What would it taste like?

As if she could read his mind, she dropped his arm and stepped back quickly. “Nurse!” she called.

The curtain opened again, and a nurse joined them, her eyes twinkling. “So, what do we have here, Doctor Miller?”

At least the nurse was friendly.

He smiled at her. “Aiden O’Sullivan.”

“Oh, you’re one of Janice’s boys.” The nurse smiled. “She never stops talking about you and your cousin and sister.”

“Can we please focus on the matter at hand?” Doctor Miller was clearly fed up. She rolled up his jeans, hesitated for a millisecond before she reached down to put her hand on his foot.

This time the electricity literally crackled, and inhaling sharply, the doctor quickly pulled back her hand before she examined his foot again.

“Wow,” giggled the nurse. “Never seen vibes—”

“Please get some Tylenol and Advil gel for the gentleman,” the doctor interrupted. “And take him for X-rays. I think it’s only a strain, but the way he’s been carrying on would suggest he’s in a lot of pain.”

Before Aiden could utter another word, she’d left.

Cussing, Aiden got down from the bed.

The nurse tried to stop him, but he’d had enough of this place. “I’m getting out of here.”

“At least wait for the Tylenol,” the nurse called out.

He just waved and hobbled in the direction of the waiting room. He was seldom ill and couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen a doctor. Doctors were usually caring human beings, though, and even those who didn’t have good people skills at least tried to be civil and caring. But Doctor Miller clearly had no bedside manner, no people skills, and not a caring bone in her lovely body.

She was gorgeous, though. A pity she’d stopped being a human being.

His aunt wasn’t in the waiting room. Maybe she was waiting in the car. It was so cold, though. Hopefully, she’d have the heater running.

As he walked through the hospital doors, his phone rang. It was Craig, his cousin. He’d been ten when his parents had joined Doctors Without Borders and Craig had moved in with Aiden and Riley’s parents, more or less permanently. He’d always been more of a brother than a cousin.

Aiden was glad his cousin had finally called. He’d been trying to reach Craig since yesterday to tell him he was on his way to Marietta, but as usual, Craig had been in one meeting after the other.

“You rang?” This was Craig’s way of saying hello and asking how Aiden was. He didn’t use unnecessary words.

“I’m in Marietta,” Aiden said.


“Craig, you still there?”

“As in Marietta, Montana?”

“Yep. Aunt Janice has invited me.”

Craig barked out a laugh. “Don’t tell me she’s trying out her matchmaking skills on you again?”

Frowning, Aiden turned to look back at the hospital. Could it be… “Nah, this time I don’t think so.”

Their aunt had never married, but over the past few years, she’d doggedly tried to set up dates for him and Craig and Riley. It had become a family joke.When you were Irish, matchmaking was a skill you were born with,she would tell anyone who’d listen. She was going to help them find their soul mates, she’d vowed time and time again.

“So why does she want you to visit now? I can’t believe there’s anything to investigate in Marietta? Or is there a huge scandal I haven’t heard about?”

Aiden pressed his lips together before he spoke. “I have to find a damn feel-good story.”