Lawyers thought of everything in terms of the number of billable hours it would require. “We’ll need permits and a shit ton of red tape to plow through to make this happen,” Seth Morgan said when it was his turn. He was no different. He was also worth the expense.

“That’s why you’re here. I need someone to cut through that red tape and make this happen sooner, not later.”

We would need building permits, new licenses, and inspection papers for Lucky Lopez. “Here’s a list of my plans for the club, so you know exactly what we’ll need.”

Seth glanced down at the list and handed it to one of his junior attorneys. “Make a copy for the builders and get started on a list of required paperwork.” He turned back to me with a satisfied expression on his face.

“I’m listening.”

“Good because that’s the easy part. I plan to improve the Green Zone. All of it. Upgrade the parks and playgrounds, and add more green spaces, including a community garden. You’ll be liaising with Vanessa Decker on this part of the improvements.”

She didn’t know it yet, but once everything was in motion, I’d talk to her about it. As a beautiful woman and a military widow, she was the perfect face for these improvements. And it would make people forget that this was a Sadie Ashby operation.

“I need to set up a small loan operation to help the small businesses in the GZ make necessary improvements, even hire people if necessary.”

Seth’s mouth fell open. “That’s a huge undertaking, Mrs. Ashby.”

“Exactly why I said we would both make a lot of money. You can make this happen?”

He nodded, the dollar signs flashing in his eyes.

“Good. Start with Lucky Lopez and just keep going. Let Thomas know when you’ve exhausted the retainer.”

With one short nod, Seth and his legal minions piled out of my office, the contractors behind them, leaving just me and Thomas.

“That went well,” he offered with a playful smile.

“I’m fucking exhausted already, and I need a drink. Something stronger than this fucking tea.”

This time, he let out a low rumble of laughter.

“Vanessa is here. I thought you’d want to get her on board as soon as possible.”

Damn, this man. I couldn’t help but smile. A little. “Thank you, Thomas.”

He gave a short nod. “I’ll bring her in.”

Vanessa stepped inside my office, each step as wary as the uneasy smile she wore. “Hey, Sadie. You wanted to see me?”

I nodded and motioned for her to sit. “Relax, Vanessa. You’re not in trouble, and I’m not going to kill you. I need a favor.”

The tension eased from her shoulders, and a crooked smile flashed across her beautiful face. “Too soon for murder jokes, I think.”

I shrugged. “Perhaps, but it got you to relax.”

At my words, she sat and crossed her legs. “It did. What do you need?”

I outlined my plans for the Green Zone and her role as the face of the project. “I’m thinking the Green Zone Revitalization Project.”

Her blue eyes went wide. “Wow, that’s incredible, Sadie. Generous and kind and necessary.”


“But,” she repeated with a shrug. “I like my job working the card games, and I really don’t want to give it up completely.”

Well, shit. I could order her to do it, but I needed her to do it because she gave a shit, even after our last card girl’s murder. Fiona was such a good girl. And Vanessa has stepped up into the role very well.

“I’ll lead the project if that’s what you want, but how about if I reach out to some military wives and widows who can help promote it and get it running? I will need help for sure.”