I nodded as my gaze landed on the handsome man in an olive green windowpane three-piece suit, making his way through the throng of men, a bottle of champagne in his hand. “Yeah. You got a problem with Thomas?”

“Hell no. Thomas is family. He’s loyal and capable and keeps his mouth shut. I don’t like thinking about you dating anyone, but you’re happy, and at least I know you’re with someone who can keep you safe.”

“I can keep myself safe, thank you very much.”

Jasper laughed. “You can, but you like trouble a little too much to stay out of it for too long.”

He wasn’t wrong about that, and I shrugged. “Not everything has to change, son.”

“Some change I don’t expect. Your love of trouble is one of those things.”

But as I looked around, I couldn’t help but smile. “Our world is perfect right now, Jasper. Enjoy it. No imminent threats to our lives. Let’s enjoy this small moment of peace.”

“I’m enjoying it plenty,” he assured me by raising his glass of whiskey.

“Except Beck. She’ll continue to be a problem.”

Jasper nodded. “I’m already working on it.”


Thomas walked into the VIP room with a bottle and two glasses, a smile on his face. “Am I interrupting?”

“No,” Jasper growled. “We’re done.”

“Not before we toast a successful opening night.” Thomas popped the bottle of Martinelli’s apple juice and poured two glasses, one for me and one for himself. “You two have done it. Good job.”

Jasper snorted. “You two have done it. I just pay the bills.” His second smile was softer, more genuine. “And I’m fine with it. Just stay out of trouble.”

Thomas hooked his free arm around my waist and pulled me in close before he pressed a kiss to my neck. “All I can promise is that it won’t be too much trouble.”

“Good enough.” Jasper nodded and finished off his champagne. “Shouldn’t you go out to meet your adoring fans,” he teased.

Thomas cleared his throat. “That’s what took me so long. There’s some press outside waiting for a soundbite about all you’ve done for the Green Zone.”

I groaned. “Do I have to?”

“Yes,” Thomas and Jasper answered at the same time.

“Fine. Let’s go.”

“Wait.” Thomas’ grip tightened around my waist. “I spotted the ginger bitch in the club. She’s petite, so she’s able to get around virtually unnoticed, but I’ve spotted her a few times.”

Jasper nodded and set down his champagne flute. “I’m on it.” He walked out of the VIP room in long, determined strides.


I nodded and squeezed Thomas’ hand as we made our way down from the VIP area and walked outside. Half a dozen reporters stood with microphones outstretched and blinding white lights aimed at the club. “We are so happy you all have decided to come out and offer free promotions for Lucky Lopez.”

The reporters laughed. “Is this Green Zone rejuvenation real or just another ploy to gain power?”

I sighed and gazed at the blonde woman. “I don’t know. Have you asked the citizens who live here? Who works here? Who are now safe and secure, something I did for them when law enforcement could not? Or would not?”

“Does this mean we’ll see more of Sadie Ashby around the Green Zone?”

I smiled. “You can count on it.” I sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly as I looked around at what I’d accomplished. It was a good thing, and yeah, I was still as powerful as I ever was, but as long as other people came up in the process, who cared?

I turned to Thomas with a smile just as shots rang out.