Jasper sat behind the oversized mahogany desk in his office that was just beside mine. He rarely used this office, preferring the one down at Midnight Mass to conduct most of his business. His eyes were glued to his phone, brows pulled into an angry scowl.

“Something on your mind, son?”

“Sure.” He tossed his phone on the desk, sighed and scrubbed both hands over his face. “What’s up?”

I took my seat behind my desk. “I have some plans to discuss with you. Not now, but soon.”

“Okay,” he drew the word out and looked at me like maybe I’d lost my mind. “And why are you telling me this now?”

“After what happened yesterday, I realize I need to clean up some loose ends.”

“Loose ends?”

I nodded. “Those fucking kids came after me because they believed me to be weak, and they thought that because I showed mercy when I shouldn’t have. I need to rectify that first, and then we can talk.”

Jasper sighed again. “You want to rectify that now while you’re out on bail?” He shook his head in disbelief. “It’s like you want to go to jail.”

“I don’t. But I have to end what’s left of the Black Jacks.”

Jasper nodded as he thought about my words. His gaze landed on mine when he made up his mind. “Fine. But take Terry with you.”

I shook my head. “Thomas will come with me. That’s all I need.”

I knew Jasper would argue, but I wouldn’t let him win this time.

“Terry is getting married soon, Jas, and that’s what’s important now, to him and to Kat. And to me too. I can’t risk anything happening to him.”

“You sure about this?”

“I am. It has to be done, and I have to do it. Trust me when I tell you that Thomas and I can handle the remaining members.”

“All right, Ma. I trust you. Be careful.”

“Don’t worry, Jas. I have no plans to leave any evidence.”

His lips kicked into a playful grin. “Good. Have fun.”

“Thank you.” I left the office with some energy in my steps, practically bouncing down the corridor to the foyer. Outside, Thomas waited in an idling navy blue sedan.

I gave the battered car a side-eye. “Where’d you find this ride?”

“Police auction. Cash purchase.”

I laughed. “I like it when you talk dirty to me, Thomas.”

“Get in, and I’ll tell you something filthy.”

Curious, I arched my brows and slid into the passenger’s seat. “I’m listening.”

“Found the Black Jacks, what’s left of them after Savannah Rhymer sliced Blade’s throat and sold Road Kill to a whore house.”

“Tell me more.”

“Baja, California.”

My brows rose at his words. “That’s a long drive.”

“It would be if we were driving. We’re flying from a private airfield to San Diego for a luncheon we’re hosting to celebrate the men and women of the Armed Services.”