“Good to know,” he grinned and stood so we were face to face. “I’m glad to be of service.” He wrapped a belt around my waist and shoved it low on my hips before sticking several magazine clips around it. “You can reload that, right?”

“Of course.” I rolled my eyes. “There’s not a gun on this planet that I can’t shoot, reload, clean, or take apart, Thomas.”

“I don’t know if you’re just bragging or trying to turn me on.” He winked and shoved nearly a dozen weapons and three times as much ammunition into a big leather bag.

A window downstairs broke, followed by the sound of footsteps, and we both froze for half a second.

“Come on.”

From the doorway of Thomas’ suite, I saw at least five intruders downstairs. They were well-equipped with night vision goggles and automatic weapons. Luckily, Thomas had his own in his hand, finger resting beside the trigger.

I whispered, “How are we going to escape?”

He gestured down the hallway. “Head toward your room. Slowly. Quietly.”

“Now’s not the time, Thomas.”

“There’s a trap door in there,” he said with a grin.

The first shots rang out from below, and Thomas hissed, “Down!”

He shoved me to the ground before he sprayed bullets over the balcony, taking out two of the intruders.

I didn’t appreciate being pushed to the ground. I was nobody’s damsel in distress. I took care of myself, my people, and everyone in my fucking orbit. From my spot on the ground, I lined up a shot and squeezed the trigger, blasting one of the intruders center mass.

“Go!” Thomas’ shout pulled me to my feet, and I headed toward the guestroom, searching for the alleged trap door as the sound of feet on the steps grew closer and closer.

“Hold the bag,” Thomas growled.

His words caused some inappropriate thoughts, but this version of him was a revelation. Maybe this is who he was, and I never allowed him to be, or I never looked closely enough. I didn’t know, but I wanted to know more as I watched him shove the bed up against the door and pull back the hideous checkered rug.

He waved to the open trap door. “You go first.”

“Why me?”

“Because I’m going to hide this door after we’re through it to buy us more time.”

He must have noticed my unconvinced expression because he sighed.

“You’re strong as hell, Sadie, but not strong enough to pull this bed back with one arm. Get down the goddamn ladder. Please.”


“Thank you.” He draped the gun strap over his shoulder, locked the bedroom door, and turned back to me. “I’m right behind you, Sadie.”

I nodded and put my legs through the small trap door until my foot found a rung of the ladder, slowly climbing down until I reached the ground. Scanning the area, I realized I stood in the pantry with canned goods, jars, and a lot of really organized spices.

I heard Thomas maneuver furniture above, then drop down beside me. When I caught a glimpse of his face, he grinned. “Ready to fuck some shit up?”

“Hell yeah.”

He pulled open the pantry door and looked left and then right, while I stood beside him and readied my weapon.

“I’ll go left,” he whispered and stepped out.

I was right behind him, covering us on the right.

A shot rang out from somewhere, and we both squatted down, aiming our guns and firing until a lump fell to the ground. I went to the lump because I needed to know who the fuck thought it was a bright idea to come after Sadie Ashby.