His hips slowed, and he fucked me in deep strokes that would have reached my soul if I still had one. It was hands down, the most erotic fuck of my life. He pulled another orgasm from me and went deeper, triggering another.

I came and came and then came again. He’d wrung every fucking ounce of pleasure he could from my body. So much so that I’d passed out mid-orgasm.

I don’t know what time it was when I came to, but the sky was black except for all the stars glittering in the sky, and the low moon lit up the bedroom like a fucking movie set. I crept from Thomas’ embrace, from the bed and the bedroom. Downstairs, the view of the stars was perfect from the picture window.

When was the last time I looked up and saw anything of beauty? Anything worth appreciating?


I didn’t give into fits of longing or fairytale thoughts, but I’d been known to give in to bouts of introspection, and right now, all I could think about was Thomas’ words. They were heartfelt, sure, but more than that, Thomas spoke with such intensity, such certainty that I could still become that girl who wanted to do more than just be an underworld Queenpin.

It almost made me want tobethat woman.

Even though it wasn’t his place to say what he had, to speak to me that way, he was right, goddammit. I had plans, big ones. And those plans would allow me to be even more than I was today.

I inhaled deeply and let out a long breath. I knew what I had to do.

A flicker of lights in the distance put me on edge, and I’d learned a long time ago to pay attention to the details.


Seconds later, his footsteps sounded on the steps, and he appeared, wearing black silk boxers, an automatic weapon in his arms.

“What’s wrong?” He must have seen the lights as well.

“People.” I sucked in a breath at the sight of him. “If they’re trying to kill me, I might fuck you again.”

His lips kicked up into a crooked grin.

“When we obliterate these assholes, I might let you. Get dressed.”

Once again, I did as he commanded.

And it made me shiver.



Thomas held a finger to his lips while we stood in a dark corner of the room, both of us breathing slowly and watching the handheld surveillance unit. Two, maybe three cars crept up the long and winding driveway that I didn’t remember because I was asleep when we got here.

“Any idea who it is?” I whispered the question even though whoever it was hadn’t reached the cabin yet.

“No fucking clue,” Thomas growled in response. “It could be rogue cops, but we would have gotten word from some of the uniforms on the payroll. I don’t know. Maybe some young fucks trying to make a name for themselves. You are a popular woman.”

“Shit.” I was afraid of that. An unknown enemy. “New enemies cropping up every fucking day.”

“That’s the life of a badass.” His feet were on the move, and Thomas nodded for me to follow him, which I did—again—without comment. He went back upstairs, moving quickly but carefully toward his bedroom.

Thomas tapped a spot in the closet that held his perfectly tailored clothes, and the wall slid back. It was a false wall and behind that wall, a trove of weapons. A fuck ton of weapons.

“Grab what you can use,” he ordered, his serious expression turning me on even as I recognized this was the worst possible moment to be turned on.

I stared at the security unit he’d built for a long time, thinking that I didn’t know as much about Thomas as I thought. “Who are you?”

He looked up with a smile. “I would say your knight in shining armor, but we both know I’m no knight.”

I held up a nine-millimeter with a smile. “I don’t need a knight, Thomas. A man who gives me the cold hard steel of a gun is far more appealing.”