“Yeah and they were breaking up a fight between the bikers and the gang bangers when I came in, which means they’re in no position to keep you safe.”

I turned to face Thomas and took a moment to look at him, to drink him in. He was a very handsome man. “And that’s what matters most to you, Thomas, my safety?”

“You know it is.”

“Why?” I knew he was always around, always looking after me, but I didn’t know why.

Thomas took a few steps closer until he was right in my face, until I could see the flecks of color that made his familiar eyes so fantastic. He wrapped a hand around my arm. “You know why, Sadie.”

I suspected, but I didn’t know. I wouldn’t let myself know that truth.

It was dangerous.

“Fine, you can take me home. But only if you’ll give me a good, hard fuck.”

I snatched my purse off the table and left the VIP room. The club was so full it was suffocating. The scent of hot bodies, cheap cologne, and booze created a thick cloud that hovered above the partygoers. I stumbled. and Thomas wrapped an arm around my waist to steady me.

Heat wove its way from his arm touching my waist, all the way down to my core. He kept a tight grip on me until we were out of the club, the throbbing bass lessened to a low hum in the chilly night air.

“The car is just at the end of the alley.”

Something about the kindness, the gentleness of his words put a dose of hell in my veins. “Fuck the car. I don’t give a shit about the car.”

He stopped and looked at me. Confused. “Okay.”

That was Thomas for you. So fucking kind and courteous. Never rocking the boat. “You’re always such a good little boy, aren’t you?”

He sighed. His eyes blank as they focused on me.

“Yeah. You are, and I’m sick of it.”

“No, what you are is drunk.”

His harsh words surprised me. Turned me on. “Yeah, and what do you plan to do about it.”

“Get you home and into bed.”


He sighed. “That’s how you prefer it, Sadie.”

He was right, but not tonight. “What I prefer right now is a nice fat cock in my aching cunt.”

Heat flared in his eyes. “At home.”

I shook my head. “Here. Now.”

I watched him carefully, how he looked up and down the alley in search of any threats. The way he looked for the perfect place as he licked his lips. “At home, Sadie.”

Oh, fuck that. I reached for Thomas, brushing my knuckles over the cock tenting his thousand-dollar pants. I gripped it and leaned into his face. “Not home. Fuck me. Here.”

He hesitated, and I gave his chest a shove until he fell onto the small patch of grass that kept growing in the small alcove that separated the club from an unoccupied building I owned. On his back, cock hard behind his zipper, I smiled.

“Sadie,” he grunted.

“That’s all I want to hear from you, Thomas. My name on your lips.” I moved fast and rough until his pants were around his hips, cock long and thick and aimed right at me.

I kicked off my shoes and pulled my dress up around my waist. “You want this pussy?”