“Would you be willing to turn over this proof? For the right price?”

He let out a deep chuckle, but his eyes filled with the kind of heat I recognized as blatant lust. “Hold up, you invited me here for a reason, and I want to know what it is.”

“Bonnie. I need her taken care of. The sooner, the better.”

“Then that’s two things you need, Bonnie gone and the flash drive she gave me. So, that means two separate payouts. Right?”

I knew at that moment that Mueller would end up dead. Not because I had some deep need for revenge, though I did, but because I would pay what I had to in order to get rid of the Bonnie problem. But there was no fucking way in hell Mueller would give up that flash drive for just anything. I wouldn’t. “Name your price then.”

“You know what I want, Sadie.”

Yeah, I knew exactly what he wanted, and as distasteful as it was, I would pay the price. It was no different than Colm using me and my body to pay off debts he couldn’t afford. No different than him convincing me that the best way to learn the whoring business was from the ground up.

This time was different. I would spread my legs for Mueller because it suited my interests. After all, I couldn’t be the one to kill Bonnie. And I needed this.

“Yeah, I know what you want, Mueller. I know exactly what you want.”

He gave one sharp nod. “Glad we understand each other.”

“Me too.” I finished off the bottle of wine with a satisfied sigh. “I know a place nearby. Let’s go.”

* * *

The hotel was barelya step above a shit hole—but the pink and teal bedspread was clean, and that was all that mattered for this transaction.

“Undress,” Mueller barked a breath after he locked the door behind us.

I knew the drill here. I couldn’t show any emotion, and I wouldn’t. I would never give any man, especially this one, the satisfaction of knowing my true feelings.

“You want me naked, or do you want a show?”

Dietrich flashed a dark smile. “The show comes later,” he snarled, “just take it all off. Now.”

I took my time to steel my emotions while I undressed, slowly removing each garment and folding it over the back of one of the faded chairs in the room.

“Leave the garters and stockings on. Shoes too.” This was the Mueller I expected, the kinky son of a bitch who trafficked in humans of all kinds and all ages for all manner of disgusting deeds.

He had no idea how disgusting I could be.

I left my shoes and stockings on and stood there, waiting for whatever came next. “Well?” I said, one hand on my hip.

He looked at me like I was a piece of meat. No, like I was worse than a piece of meat. Mueller looked at me like I was a sack of flesh meant for only one thing. Pleasure.

“On your knees, whore. Let’s see if that mouth is good for more than just talking shit.”

Two steps forward and I fell to my knees, cursing the existence of this motherfucker while I unleashed his cock from his pants, then his silk boxers.

Using both hands, I stroked his cock, up and down and fast, until he was hard because I’d done this enough to know that sucking a flaccid cock was a fool’s errand.

He snapped, “I said use your fucking mouth,” and yanked my hair to force my eyes to meet his. “You want her dead, then you do what the fuck I tell you. Got it?”

I nodded and gave his cock a firm squeeze with one hand and took him in my mouth. Most women would just close their eyes and get it over with, but I wasn’t most women. I would never close my eyes while locked in a room with my enemy. It gave them an advantage I didn’t fucking appreciate.

If Mueller tried anything, his cock was sandwiched between my teeth and my jaw, strong from a lifetime of grinning and fucking bearing it.

“Yeah, take that cock, whore. Take it all.”

I kept my gaze focused on his hate-filled face while I sucked Mueller off, never taking my eyes off him while he took his pleasure. His words were filled with vitriol, but they didn’t appear on his face.