Page 95 of Sliding into Home

Kia:I didn’t sign on for this shit Jeff

Kia:What is wrong with people? They don’t know me.

Kia:People suck

Kia:And of course my parents called so….

Kia:I just…

Kia:Fuck. Call me when you get these

What shit didn’t she sign on for? What the hell was happening? Why were her parents calling her? From what she’d said, they hadn’t talked at all since she moved to San Diego.

Jeff:Sorry, just got your texts, been on the field all day. I’ll call you as soon as I’m not surrounded by everyone.

Immediately, he saw the little dots showing Kia was texting back. Shit, the fact she was obviously sitting with her phone in hand was not a good sign.

Kia:Did you read the articles?

Jeff:Not yet.

Kia:Read them before you call

Jeff:You okay?

Kia:Just read them and you’ll have your answer

That sounded ominous. He clicked on the first link. A picture of Kia standing with her hand on Brandon’s arm and him in the background looking pissed off immediately came up on the screen. His first thought was fuck was that really what he looked like? No wonder Kia had been pissed at him. His second was, oh shit, why is that picture online?

He quickly scanned the article. What the hell? This article made Kia sound like she was sleeping with half the team. It questioned Max’s paternity. Made her sound like some freaking modern-day Yoko Ono. She was being blamed for everything, from the shitty way the team played, to the fact that Brandon hadn’t wanted to pose for some picture with a fan. The grumpy bastard never wanted to pose for pictures with fans. This wasn’t any different, but somehow if this article was to be believed Kia was to blame.

He clicked on the next link. More of the same.

The third article talked about how Kia had dumped Austin for Jeff. He continued to read. This was bad. The article did not paint either of them in a good light.

What the hell? No wonder Kia was pissed.

Fuck. She was going to bolt. This was the last thing they needed. Kia was already skittish about them being in a relationship. Worried about the effect it would have on Max. This would not help matters in the least.

He tossed his phone in his bag and scooped up his gear. He could shower at home once he talked to Kia.

Gonzo’s head snapped toward him when he stood up. “Where’s the fire?”

“I need to go. I’ll see you back at the house?”

“You didn’t drive today.”

“Fuck.” He slammed his bag on the bench. He needed to talk to Kia. He didn’t have time to wait around for his buddies to shoot the shit like they normally did post game.

“What’s going on?” Gonzo stood up and stepped up beside him.

Jeff handed his phone to his friend.

Gonzo’s eyes widened as he read the article. Anger radiated off him as he handed the phone back, then yelled, “Ry, Zip, we gotta go.”

“What the hell? We haven’t even showered yet,” Ryan yelled back as he paused on his way to the shower.

“Shower at home,” Gonzo said. “We gotta go. Smitty needs to leave.”