Page 89 of Sliding into Home

“I can do it, Mom.” He grabbed the laces in each hand and made the first tie to tighten the lace around his shoe like she’d shown him. Concentrating on the task at hand, he dug his teeth into his bottom lip. His little fingers wrestled with the tie to make the first loop.

Jeff walked over and rubbed the back of Max’s head. “Making some bunny ears?”

Max’s head snapped up, dropping the laces as he looked at his dad then turned to her. His panicked eyes were wide as he searched her face. “Bunny ears?” he squeaked.

She smiled softly at him. “Nope, we are doing the loop swoop and pull method.”

Jeff nodded. “I like it. Sounds much cooler than bunny ears.”

Max’s small shoulders relaxed. “Yeah, much cooler.” He set his jaw and picked up the laces again and made the first loop. His tongue darted out and remained out as he focused on the swoop. When he pulled the lace and his shoe tied, he grinned up at them triumphantly.

“Good job, buddy.” Pride welled in Kia’s chest. Such a little thing and yet every time he battled with the laces and came out victorious, it warmed her heart.

Ryan and Pete rounded the corner and pulled up short in the mudroom. “What’s up?” Ryan asked.

“Nothing, just getting our shoes tied.” Kia pushed off the ground. Max stood and leaned against her leg. “You ready for your guy time?”

“Yep.” Max turned to Ryan and Pete. “Dad said we whupped you at Mario Kart now we’re gonna whup you on the track, just like last time.”

“Oh, ho, is that right?” Ryan raised his eyebrows. “We’ll see about that little man. He got lucky last time. I’m a much better driver than your dad.”

“Nuh-uh, no one is better than him.”

Pete shook his head. “Seriously, now you come with your own built-in cheering section. That seems unfair.”

Jeff high-fived Max. “We’re gonna leave ‘em in our dust, right Maxie?”

“Right, Dad.”

The fist around Kia’s chest tightened the way it did every time she watched them together. Seeing her son like this was everything she’d ever hoped for. She’d done her best with him, but she couldn’t deny this was what he’d been missing. Maybe Jeff was right, and they could make it as a couple. Try to be a real family. But what if things went sideways? The thought terrified her.

She leaned over and hugged her son. “Be good. Don’t eat a bunch of junk food. Listen to your dad.”

Max’s arm tangled in her hair and pulled as he tried to wrap his arm around her neck. “I will.” His arms tightened and squeezed.

God, she could stay snuggling him all day.

“Meet you in the car.” Pete brushed past her and opened the door to the garage.

Ryan stuck his head back into the hallway and yelled, “Yo, Gonz, let’s go. Get your ass in gear.” When he turned around, he winced. “Sorry.”

Kia bit back a smile. “It’s fine. He’s heard worse.”

“Yeah, a lot worse. Mom said Uncle Nick swears like a trucker.”

“Who’s Nick?” Pete asked.

“My brother.” Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t talked to him in a while. She should really give him a call. It had taken a long time for them to get back to being as close as they used to be. But now that they were, she didn’t want to lose it.

“You want to FaceTime Uncle Nick later?”

“Yeah.” Max bounced on his toes and launched at Jeff. “You can do it too, so Uncle Nick can meet you.”

Jeff made eye contact with her, holding her stare until she nodded in agreement. “Yeah, sure, bud. Sounds good.”

“Alright, let’s go,” Gonzo said as he walked into the mudroom. “You ready to eat my dust, Maxie?”

“No.” Max snorted. “You can eat mine.”